North Sherwin Shoulders Project
Project Information
The North Sherwin Shoulders Project updated the design of U.S. 395 from 2.4 miles south of Lower Rock Creek Road to 0.3 miles north by widening the paved highway shoulders and improving sight distances around curves. The project widened the existing shoulders to 10ft, installed retaining walls, flattened soil slopes next to the highway, replaced or installed guardrails, upgraded drainage systems, installed skip rumble strips between travel lanes and shoulders, and added a bicycle right turn pocket at U.S. 395 and Lower Rock Creek Road. The project was completed in November 2022.
The middle photo shows the construction of a soldier pile, which is a retaining wall that will allow crews to widen the shoulders of this section of U.S. 395, improve erosion and drainage. The photo on the left shows where a slope is being altered to make room for a wider shoulder. The photo on the right shows where an additional retaining wall is being constructed.
Project Map
Project Video
Click image to view North Sherwin Shoulders Project video
Project Cost
The estimated cost of this project was $21.4 million.
Project Timeline
Project schedule (Subject to change):
- March 2018: Circulate DED
- June 2020: Right of Way Certification
- July 2020: Advertise
- February 2021: Contract Awarded
- April 2021: Construction Began
- November 2021: Suspended for the Winter
- May 2022: Construction Resumed
- October 2022: K-rail removed from project area
- November 2022: End of Construction
For More Information
- Jill Tognazzini, Project Manager, (760) 874-8308
- Michael Lingberg, Caltrans District 9 Public Information Officer, (760) 920-0280
Title VI
For Title VI information, click here: Caltrans Title VI