Clean California

Trash has plagued California’s streets and highways for decades. Caltrans is investing in removing litter, creating jobs, educating the public, and engaging the community to transform unsightly roadsides into spaces of pride for all Californians. This is truly a statewide effort with potential projects in all 58 counties and with nearly a third of the funds going directly to cities, counties, tribes, and transit agencies to clean local streets and public spaces.

Free Dump Day Near Mammoth Lakes


Free Dump Day at Benton, CA


Dump Day at Olancha, CA


District 9 Clean California Local Grant Awards

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) developed the Clean California Local Grant Program through which approximately $296 million in funds will go to local communities to beautify and improve local streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, and transit centers to clean and enhance public spaces. Through the combination of adding beautification measures and art in public spaces along with the removal of litter and debris, this effort will enhance communities and improve spaces for walking and recreation.

District 9 will facilitate funding for four Clean California Local Grant Projects scheduled for completion in 2024. See the list for District 9 below, or view the statewide list by clicking the following links: Cycle 1 or Cycle 2.

Awardee: City of Tehachapi

Amount: $2,090,558

One-acre park in Tehachapi that will include landscaping, shade trees, shade structures, benches, waste bins, anti-littering signage, wayfinding signage, enhanced lighting, bike racks, picnic sites, a playground, and a soccer field. The City of Tehachapi's general plan lists neighborhoods that contain a physical feature as a center, such as this proposed park, which allows for different activities, to be a priority.

Awardee: Kern County

Amount: $3,023,637

The Mojave East Park project will directly benefit an underserved and disadvantaged community of 4,238 residents. Beautification and enhancement improvements will transform the entire area with new public facilities and features that offer change and options for recreation. The project site is the primary community social network and family center for families and individuals that have limited resources. The site is adjacent to Mojave High School and Mojave Elementary School and is accessible to residents and visitors through Business Highway 58. Features include replacement of restroom facilities, creation of a paved parking lot to serve the baseball field, a bio-infiltration basin to manage site stormwater, a new, larger shaded picnic pavilion, a new soccer field with renovated turf, landscape, and irrigation with emphasis on drought-tolerant, adaptive trees, shrubs and windbreak plantings, exercise stations with equipment, a renovated basketball court, and connected accessible pathways.


Awardee: City of Ridgecrest

Amount: $1,840,000

The Leroy Jackson Sports Complex Improvement project will implement infrastructure and non-infrastructure elements to create a beautiful, clean, and comfortable space for Ridgecrest residents to play, socialize, learn, relax, and exercise. The infrastructure improvements will include completing a landscape shaded walking trail with solar lights; installing shaded benches; adding a new Dial-a-ride stop; constructing new lights for the tennis courts; defining field edges with drought-tolerant landscaping; installing more trash, recycling, and compost bins; adding new drinking fountains with bottle fillers; and installing new educational signage. The non-infrastructure elements include a ribbon-cutting with a litter abatement education event, twice-annual community clean-up events, and a household hazardous waste collection event based at the park. These efforts will create a cleaner park and a cleaner community but will also create a cooler and more functional park that increases recreation opportunities and community pride.

Awardee: Fort Independence Indian Community

Amount: $5,000,000

Oak Creek Community Park project is the development and construction of a new public space located on the Fort Independence Indian Community's Reservation. This project is an improvement of public spaces in an underserved Tribal community. The park plans to embrace the Tribe's history and culture with green infrastructure, playgrounds, a sports court (with basketball and pickleball courts), restrooms, and paved trails to encourage moderate to high levels of physical activity and longer durations at the park. The sports field, amphitheater, pavilion, and family picnic and BBQ areas provide open and shaded places to share culture and foster community events like yoga classes, farmer's markets, Tribal ceremonies, and pow wows. The extensive trail system will include an interpretive trail with native grasses, tree canopy, plants and water to encourage biodiversity with community historical signs, and art installations by native artists. An access road and parking lot will allow future electric vehicle charging.

Awardee: Inyo County

Amount: $1,475,000

Improvements to Diaz Lake facilities on the east side of the lake to include the following: Install trash and recycling receptacles, fishing line recycling receptacles, educational signage to promote proper waste disposal, heat island reduction through planting drought tolerant shade trees, ADA compliant playground, tule maintenance near swimming areas, aeration system in Diaz Lake to improve water quality for swimming, add a transit stop and shelter for dial-a ride access, add a dog park with waste disposal, install 10 – 12’x12’ shade structures, install picnic and BBQ facilities under shade structures, install solar lighting at restroom, add ADA ramps to access shade and playground areas, add a sand volleyball court, bi-annual community litter abatement events, improve the parking area with new asphalt and striping.

District 9 Clean California Beautification Projects

State Beautification Program funds improve the aesthetics of public spaces with transformative beautification projects along the state highway system. See the list for District 9 below, or view the statewide list here.

The Rosamond Interchange Xeriscape Project beautified the interchange of State Route 14 and Rosamond Boulevard within the unincorporated community of Rosamond in Kern County. A minimal-water-use xeriscape replaced the existing drought-sensitive landscape, reducing maintenance needs and enhancing worker safety. In coordination with the Community Vision Plan for the Rosamond Downtown Business District, Caltrans developed the project as a landscape art installation that will:

  • Remove drought intolerant plants and a difficult to maintain and wasteful water irrigation system.
  • Use an attractive blanket of rocks and boulders placed in artistic forms that will blend into the natural landscape of the Mojave Desert while eliminating litter accumulation points.
  • Compliment other placemaking beautification efforts within the community and collaboratively build community pride.
  • Enhance a primary thoroughfare into the community.
  • Minimize worker activity near traffic on the busy State Route 14.
  • Create future opportunities for the placement of community-sponsored transportation art and wayfinding signage.

A bird's-eye view of the completed Rosamond Xeriscape Project, showcasing the rock formation that replaced the old landscaping. An aerial view of the completed Rosamond Xeriscape Project, showcasing the rock formation that replaced the old landscaping.

The Fort Independence Lighting Project installed lighting along U.S. Highway 395, where the highway divides the historically underserved Fort Independence Indian Reservation. The lighting will enhance safety for tribal members accessing and crossing US Highway 395, which separates tribal residences from tribal businesses. Caltrans partnered with the Fort Independence Community of Paiute Indians to identify the project, which will:

  • Compliment the Tribe’s placemaking efforts where a US highway abruptly divides their community spaces.
  • Install safety-enhancing and dark sky compliant lighting to create more walkable nighttime spaces that preserve the night sky.
  • Illuminate pedestrians and vehicles at intersections.

The Fort Independence Lighting Project installed dark-sky compliant light standards along U.S. 395 in Inyo County.

This project took place within the boundaries of the Fort Independence Indian Reservation. The 560-acre reservation lies north of the town of Independence in Inyo County. The Fort Independence Community of Paiute Indians are descendants of the Nüümü, who arrived in  Payahuunadü (the Owens Valley) approximately 11,000 years ago.

Map of the Independence Lighting Project location.

The Fort Independence Monuments project will install gateway monuments along US Highway 395 at the northern and southern boundaries of the historically underserved Fort Independence Indian Reservation. US Highway 395 abruptly divides the community, and the monuments will serve as visual connections of the landscape to the people.
Caltrans worked with the Fort Independence Community of Paiute Indians to identify the beautification project. The monuments will be unique art installations that:

  • Serve as placemaking focal points that enhance the community spaces of the Fort Independence Indian Reservation.
  • Cultivate respect and knowledge amongst travelers to the Eastern Sierra regarding the culture and history of the Paiute.
  • Alert travelers on the busy US Highway 395 that they are crossing indigenous lands—a visual cue to the connection of space, land, and people that stretches back thousands of years.

This project takes place within the boundaries of the Fort Independence Indian Reservation. The 560-acre reservation lies north of the town of Independence in Inyo County. The Fort Independence Community of Paiute Indians are descendants of the Nüümü, who arrived in Payahuunadü (the Owens Valley) approximately 11,000 years ago.

Estimated cost: $350,000

Estimated start of construction: 2025


Map of the Independence Monuments Project location.

The Mono Lake MGS (Midwest Guardrail System) Beautification and Safety Project replaced unsightly and outdated guardrails with safer guardrail systems that enhance the natural beauty of the scenic basin. The project occurred in Mono County along scenic U.S. Highway 395 where it skirts Mono Lake, an ecologically important saline lake and migratory bird habitat. The nearby town of Lee Vining is the eastern gateway to Yosemite National Park and a tourist destination. The Mono Lake Basin is also the home of the Kootzaduka’a Tribe, the southernmost band of the Numu people.
Caltrans identified the project through discussions with Mono County, Lee Vining citizens, and the US Forest Service. The project includes safety enhancement and beautification features:

  • A safety-enhancing guardrail system designed for high center of gravity vehicles common on today’s roads.
  • An environmentally safe, reactive treatment applied to the steel guardrail to create an attractive, earthy brown finish that is fade-resistant, and long-lasting.
  • A beautification treatment that will allow infrastructure to blend into the environment, enhancing the sense of place in a scenic basin of ecological and cultural significance. 

The completed Mono Guardrail Project overlooking Mono Lake. The completed Mono Guardrail Project overlooking Mono Lake. The completed Mono Guardrail Project overlooking Mono Lake.

The Bridgeport Main Street Banner Project installed a banner structure that spans scenic U.S. Highway 395 at the Sinclair Street intersection in the town of Bridgeport in Mono County. The banner structure is a placemaking focal point where the community can suspend customized event and welcome banners over the historic main street, enhancing and connecting Bridgeport’s livable streetscape where US Highway 395 divides the town.
Bridgeport is the county seat for Mono County, an historic ranching community, and a gateway for tourists to the renowned trout fishing lakes, rivers, and streams of California’s High Sierra Nevada. Caltrans and Mono County worked with Bridgeport citizens to select the project, which is a unique public art installation that will:

  • Welcome visitors and residents to Bridgeport.
  • Enhance and beautify the community’s main street.
  • Serve as an anchor that activates the pedestrian space.
  • Create community connection where a highway splits the town.
  • Enhance safety by creating visual cues to help reduce traffic speed. 


The Caltrans Adopt-A-Highway Program provides an avenue for individuals, civic organizations, or businesses to help maintain sections of roadsides within California's State Highway System. 

Since 1989, the Adopt-A-Highway Program has been one of the truly successful government-public partnerships of our time. More than 120,000 Californians have cleaned and enhanced over 15,000 shoulder-miles of roadsides.

Participation can include one or more of the following activities:

  • Removing litter
  • Planting trees
  • Planting wildflowers
  • Removing graffiti
  • Controlling vegetation

Adoptions usually span a two-mile stretch. Permits are issued for five-year periods and participation is free for all volunteers. Standard signs are included free of charge. Groups in good standing may renew their permits indefinitely. 

Groups have the option to participate as volunteers or hire a maintenance service provider to work on their behalf. Fill out an online application below and your local Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator will contact you to start the adoption process or call 866-ADOPTAHWY or (866) 236-7864. For more information on the Adopt-A-Highway Program, please visit Caltrans' Adopt-A-Highway Program page.

Complete an online application:

Download the application:

Adopt-A-Highway volunteers on HWY 395.


Adopt-a-Highway Sign with how to volunteer information.


Adopt-A-Highway Volunteers on HWY 395 in the Eastern Sierra.


Learn more

For more information about statewide Clean California efforts,  please visit Clean CA.

Clean California Logo


Clean California: A transformative initiative to remove litter, create jobs and beautify California.

Sunrise in the Owens Valley near HWY 395.

District 9 Contact

For more information about Clean California projects and programs in District 9, contact: District 9 CleanCA
To report a litter issue along a state road, click here.