I-10 Existing Rock Slope Protection Replacement Project in Riverisde


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Project Purpose and Need

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to repair Rock Slope Protection (RSP) and make operation and safety improvements to Orris Ditch Bridge on Interstate 10 (I-10), PM R91.9, in Riverside County. The current RSP at Orris Ditch Bridge has misplaced rocks and is scour critical; the RSP is prone to undermining and scouring. If left unmitigated, the RSP will continue to deteriorate and eventually fail. Additionally, the existing guard rail and bridge railing do not meet current standards and require replacement. The existing pavement and access control line fence are also deteriorated and in need of repair.

Project Description

Caltrans proposes to reconstruct the RSP, upgrade the bridge railing, repave the roadway with asphalt concrete, install Midwest Guardrail System (MGS) with vegetation control, and install new chain link fence in the median and along the access control line. Both eastbound and westbound bridges will also be widened by nine inches on each side to accommodate the upgraded bridge railing. The estimate total project cost is $8,050,000.

Project Schedule

The project is currently in the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) stage. If approved, Project construction is scheduled to begin in the Fall of 2023/Winter of 2024 and conclude by Summer of 2024. An Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration IS-MND, has been prepared for the project and is circulating for public review and comment between January 26, 2022 and February 25, 2022. Copies of the environmental document can be obtained by emailing the project email: 1J710.RSP@dot.ca.gov or by calling Antonia Toledo, Senior Environmental Planner, at (909) 501-5741.