Blythe Border Protection Station Replacement Project
Riverside County, California
DISTRICT 8 RIV-10 PM R154.9/R156.4
PN0819000139/EA 08-1L040
Project Description
The California Department of General Services (DGS), in conjunction with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), proposes to replace and relocate the existing California Department of Food and Agriculture’s (CDFA) Blythe Border Protection Station (BPS) with an updated facility on Interstate 10, between Post Mile R154.9 and R156.4, just west of the California/Arizona state line in the City of Blythe, Riverside County. The purpose of the project is to relocate the existing Blythe BPS to provide a facility that is sufficiently sized and equipped to accommodate necessary CDFA inspection operations, required quarantine enforcement, and other border safety/protection activities and to a location that improves traffic operations along westbound I-10. There are two Alternatives being considered: a No-Build Alternative and a Build Alternative. Under the Build Alternative, the existing Blythe BPS will be demolished, and a new facility would be reconstructed approximately 0.66 mile west of the existing station. Under the No Build Alternative, no improvements to the existing Blythe BPS nor Hobsonway would occur.
Project Need
The Purpose of the Project is to relocate the existing Blythe BPS to provide a facility that is sufficiently sized and equipped to accommodate necessary CDFA inspection operations, required quarantine enforcement, and other border safety/protection activities and to a location that improves traffic operations along westbound I-10.
The Project is needed for the following reasons:
- Prevent the entry of invasive species and thereby protect California economy from threats posed by noxious, diseased, or invasive pest/species
- Provide a facility of sufficient size and with sufficient features to comprehensively support border protection operations
- Provide a facility located and designed to accommodate inspection operations resulting from current and forecast traffic volumes on I-10 and alleviate current traffic operation deficiencies at the current facility
- Improve safety along this segment of I-10 for border protection personnel and the general public
Public Hearing
A virtual public hearing will be held live on the Zoom platform, December 19, 2023 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. To participate in the hearing using a computer, please visit the following link:
To participate in the hearing using a landline telephone:
Dial: (669) 900-6833 and enter the meeting ID: 810 9124 0066
Individuals who require special accommodations (American Sign Language interpreter, documentation in alternate formats, etc.) are requested to contact Gabrielle Duff at (909) 501-5142 at least 7 days prior to the scheduled hearing date. TDD users may contact the California Relay Service TDD line at 1(800) 735-2929 or Voice Line at 1(800) 735-2922.
Please contact Kenya Amezcua at, 464 West 4th Street, San Bernardino, CA, 92401, MS829, or (909) 472-2632 to obtain a copy of the Draft Initial Study.