Contract 10-1Q580(10A2590)

The responses to bidder's inquiries, unless incorporated into a formal addendum to the contract, are not a part of the contract and are provided for the bidder's convenience only. In some instances, the question and answer may represent a summary of the matters discussed rather than a word-for-word recitation. The availability or use of information provided in the responses to bidder's inquiries is not to be construed in any way as a waiver of the provisions of Section 2-1.03 of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, the plans, Standard Specifications or Special Provisions, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with those contract requirements. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may affect or vary a response previously given.

Inquiry 1)  Can you please send me an updated copy of the plan holders or any pre-bid meeting attendance sheet list for the REPAIR /REPLACE STRIPING, PAVEMENT MARKERS AND MARKINGS project?

Response 1)  For an updated copy of the plan holders, Caltrans Contract Analyst, Arlena Tedder (, 279-234-2434), may be able to provide this for you.

Pre-bid meeting is not required. Please refer to the page “Notice to Bidders” of this project’s Special Provisions, which states:  “No pre-bid meeting is scheduled for this project.”

Inquiry 2)  Once the contract is executed, how (if at all) will the CA Recycled Materials Program relate to materials on this contract? Which materials will be impacted?

Response 2)  The contractor should adhere to the requirements shown on the Postconsumer Recycled-Content Certification (CalRecycle 74), which can be downloaded here:

Inquiry 3)  For Minor B projects such as10A2590 Minor B bidding 11/21/23, what is the % of work that must be done by the prime?

Response 3)  Attention is directed to the Standard Specifications, 5-1.13 Subcontracting, 5-1.13A General, Paragraph 5, which states:  “Except for a building-construction non-federal-aid contract, perform work equaling at least 30 percent of the value of the original total bid with your employees and with equipment you own or rent, with or without operators.”