Contract 10-1J650(10A2303)
The responses to bidder's inquiries, unless incorporated into a formal addendum to the contract, are not a part of the contract and are provided for the bidder's convenience only. In some instances, the question and answer may represent a summary of the matters discussed rather than a word- for-word recitation. The availability or use of information provided in the responses to bidder's inquiries is not to be construed in any way as a waiver of the provisions of Section 2-1.03 of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, the plans, Standard Specifications or Special Provisions, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with those contract requirements. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may affect or vary a response previously given.
Inquiry 1) Project documents state that results are not posted, but rather we need to request them. When will bid results be available? We would like to know if results will be available before the ROW fence projects 10A2302 (12-28-21) and 10A2303 (12-22-21) projects bid?
Response 1) Bid Results are available as soon as possible.
Inquiry 2) I see project 10A2301 has 30 working days to complete a little over 3 miles of fence, whereas projects 10A2302 and 10A2303 have 20 days to complete over 6 miles of fence, respectively. Can you clarify if the working days stated for 10A2302 and 10A2303 are correct?
Response 2) Each project is designed and calculated by different engineers and project managers with varied experience. The project specifics and the terrain, as well as time constraints are all considerations at time of delivery.
Inquiry 3) Can you please clarify if the contractor is allowed access on the west side of the fence (land owners side), and if so please clarify how many feet from the fence line is allowable.
Response 3) All right of way has been cleared to do the job from the Department right of way and to place the fence per details shown on the plans. The work should be planned and accessed from the Department right of way and vehicles should be parked on State right of way during the work.
Inquiry 4) We are looking at the Minor B projects - 10A2301, 10A3202 and 10A2303. It appears (based upon the requirements of Cal Tans Spec A86, A, B, C & D), the material costs alone for the wire mesh, galvanized posts, barb wire, barb arms as well as the top middle and bottom rails works out to about $103. per LF. At that rate the costs for material alone for 10A2301 would be about $1.7M. I do not see any modification to the Cal Trans Spec in the bid docs? Is there something we are missing? Also on 10A2301 there is no line item for treated waste wood.
Response 4) Bid per plan and refer to the standard plans as called out in the specifications.