Crosswalk Enhancements
Project Description
This project will place flashing beacons, replace crosswalk delineation and signs in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties at various locations on Routes 1, 9, 68, 129, 152, and 183.
Project Benefits
Purpose: The purpose of the project is to comply with The Crosswalk Enhancement Policy Directive and 2014 CA MUTCD which states that the minimum crosswalk safety enhancement should be used to enhance existing marked crosswalks that cross uncontrolled roadways on the State Highway System where the speed limit exceeds 40 mph and the roadway has 4 or more lanes of travel with an ADT of 12,000 vehicles per day.
Need: To increase pedestrian safety at existing marked crosswalks by enhancing the driver’s awareness of the crossing(s).
Location No. |
county | Route |
PM |
Intersection |
1 | SCR | 1 | 18.8 | Van Ness Ave. |
2 | SCR | 9 |
9.51 | Main St. |
3 | MON | 68 | 1.32 | Forest Hill Blvd. |
4 | MON | 68 |
20.91 | Maple St. |
5 | MON | 68 | 21.04 | Winham St. |
6 | SCR | 129 | 0.23 | Marchant St. |
7 | SCR | 152 | 3.16 | Marchant St. |
8 | MON | 183 | 1.02 | Happ Pl. |
9 | MON | 183 | 8.75 | Palm St. |
10 | MON | 183 | 8.94 | Wood St. |
11 | SCR | 9 | 6.39 | Kirby St. |
New* | SCR | 9 | 5.8 | Redwood Dr. |
New* | SCR | 9 | 7.29 | SLV Elementary |
New* | SCR | 9 | 7.48 | Lazy Wood Rd. |
New* | SCR | 9 | 11.41 | Clear Creek Rd. |
*New locations to be added during construction
SCCRTC is contributing funds to add locations to the project. The crossings to receive enhancements as part of the HSIP grant funding are:
- Redwood Drive at the entrance to Henry Cowell State Park in Felton
- Midblock between Graham Hill Road and Kirby Street at Wild Roots Market in Felton
- San Lorenzo Valley Elementary School
- San Lorenzo Valley Middle School entrance at Lazy Woods Road
- Clear Creek Road at the Post Office in Brookdale
Project Schedule
Project is scheduled to start construction in Summer 2020
Project Contact
Mike Lew, Project Manager
(805) 549-3227
District 5 Public Information Office
(805) 549-3138