State Route 12 at Fulton Road Feasibility Study Santa Rosa

Route 12 Feasibility Study


The Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA), in cooperation with the City of Santa Rosa and California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) undertook a feasibility study to identify and evaluate near-term, mid-term and long-term improvements that will improve operations, enhance safety, and create better multimodal accessibility on Fulton Road/N. Wright Road across busy State Route (SR) 12 and the SR 12/Merced Avenue non-signalized intersection immediately adjacent to the west.  

Since SCTA took the lead developing the feasibility study, the best place to obtain information would be on their website at the following link:

SR 12/Fulton Road Interchange Feasibility Study - Sonoma County Transportation Authority

If you simply want to read the report, go the following link: