Near-term Highway 1 Realignment Project, Pescadero

Map of San Mateo County showing the project limits of the State Route 1 Near Term Realignment Project from 0.5-mile south to 0.3-mile north of Pescadero Creek Road (PM 13.1 to PM 13.9), near Pescadero beach in San Mateo County.Project Description

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District-4 proposes to realign approximately 0.6-mile section of State Route (SR) 1 about 30 to 40 feet inland to the east of the existing roadway from 0.5-mile south to 0.3-mile north of Pescadero Creek Road (PM 13.1 to PM 13.9), near Pescadero beach in San Mateo County. The proposed realignment would address a deteriorating roadway and maintain functionality and continued operation of the roadway. Sea level rise and winter storms over the years have deteriorated the bluff, causing deep cracking in the roadway pavement and severe rutting on the shoulder. This highway realignment is necessary to ensure the safety of the public and prevent further damage, making this project critical for the continued functionality of the roadway.

Purpose and Need

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to maintain the safety, structural integrity, and operation of the highway.

Need: State Route (SR) 1 at this location runs adjacent to the coast along the Pacific Ocean. Due to its proximity to the ocean, over the years, sea level rise, wind, tidal action, and storms have eroded the bluff to the point that it is now causing severe rutting in the shoulder and deep cracking in the pavement jeopardizing the structural integrity and viability of the highway. There is considerable erosion and it is expected to continue, posing a substantial likelihood of landslides within the next 20 years. This realignment project is a solution that to maintain existing transportation connections by ensuring the operational viability of SR 1.


The project is currently in the Environmental Phase of project development. This phase will be followed by the Design phase followed by construction in fiscal year (FY) 27/28. Listed below are target dates for completing the various phases of project development.

Environmental Documents (PAED) Complete: Spring 2026 (Target)
Design (PS&E) Complete: Spring 2028 (Target)
Begin Construction: Fall 2028 (Target)
End Construction: Fall 2029 (Target)

Tentative construction dates may change due to weather.

Flow chart for Highway 1 Realignment Project, Pescadero (EA 1Y180) . Project Initiation Document (PID) - Define Scope, Cost, Schedule, and Find Funds. Followed by the second phase, Project Approval & Environmental Document (PAED) - Prefer Alternative, Environmental Analysis. Followed by the third phase, Plans, Specifications & Estimates (PS&E) - Design Project. The forth phase is Construction.

Current Advisories

There are no advisories at this time. Please check back for future advisories.

Project Contact

Jeneane Crawford
Public Information Officer - Caltrans District 4
Cell: 510.390.3253