Jones Creek Bridge Rebuild Route 116 near Forestville

Update: July 1, 2024, 2:00 PM

Caltrans opened State Route 116 at the Jones Creek Bridge at 1:00 PM on Monday, July 1, 2024.  The highway is now open to traffic in both directions.

Read the full advisory


Three Day Closure of Route 116 in Forestville, Sonoma County,

 To Strengthen the Jones Creek Bridge

72-hour closure from 7:00 PM, Friday, June 28 – 7:00 PM, Monday, July 1, 2024


Project LocationAs part of an emergency project to strengthen the Jones Creek Bridge on State Route 116 (SR-116) in Forestville, Sonoma County, Caltrans will close the highway between Packing House Lane and Kay Lane for 72 hours from 7:00 PM Friday, June 28, until 7:00 PM Monday, July 1, 2024.

During a recent bridge inspection, Caltrans engineers found that the 22-foot, two-lane Jones Creek Bridge needs to be shorn of excess weight to comply with current standards and regulations. Years of asphalt paving have produced excess asphalt overlay that should be removed to lighten the bridge's static load.  

During the closure, Caltrans will detour traffic onto Mirabel Road, River Road, Laguna Road, and Guerneville Road. (See detour map.)

The Jones Creek Bridge has one lane in each direction, and much of the strengthening work must be performed in the middle of the bridge, factors that make it nearly impossible to do the work without fully closing the bridge.

In addition to removing excess asphalt, Caltrans plans to strengthen the bridge

by installing precast concrete girders that will rest on the bridge's abutments, not the roadway itself. These Jones Creek Detour Routegirders will be topped with concrete panels, creating a lighter yet stronger roadway. Finally, the asphalt layer will be added over the panels to produce a smooth driving surface.

Motorists traveling the detour will log an extra 5.2 miles and can expect to add about seven minutes to their trip under typical weekend traffic.  In any case, travelers should allot extra time if planning to travel through this area during the closure weekend.

Motorists traveling west on Route 116 can either take the detour onto Guerneville Road or continue on Route 116, however they can only travel as far as the closed bridge.

Likewise, motorist traveling east on Route 116 may take the Mirabel Road detour or continue straight on Route 116, but only as far as the closed bridge. 

Gordon N. Ball, Inc. is Caltrans' contractor on the project. 




Picture of Jones Creek Bridge