State Route 87 Roadway Rehabilitation
Overnight Lane Closures on State Route 87 for Pavement Improvement Project Between Julian Street and State Route 85
Closures will continue from March 12, 2024, until the completion of the project.
San Jose – The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will continue overnight lane closures on State Route 87 (SR-87) for the SR-87 Pavement Improvement project. Up to two lanes will be closed overnight between Julian Street undercrossing and State Route 85 (SR-85) connector ramp, in the city of San Jose. The purpose of the project is to improve ride quality, enhance safety, and extend the service life of the pavement. The closures began in the Fall of 2023 and will continue Monday through Saturday, until the completion of the project. Project is scheduled to be complete Summer 2025.
Overnight Lane Closures- March 12, 2024, until the completion of the project.
Between Julian Street to State Route 85 connector.
Monday through Friday: 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM
Saturday: 11:00 PM to 8:00 AM
Click here to read the full advisory.
Media Gallery
Additional project resources including downloadable maps, image galleries, and video clips can be found on the media resources page.
Why is the Work Needed?

The purpose of the project is to improve ride quality, enhance safety, and extend the service life of the pavement. These full weekend closures are necessary for worker and public safety during the work. Caltrans will perform major pavement rehabilitation on the two center traffic lanes in both the northbound and southbound directions of SR-87. The roadway has become worn and in need of major repairs due to decades of high traffic use.
Project Scope
The roadway pavement will be replaced with 20-year life cycle flexible pavement structure by cold planning and replacing the pavement to maintain existing profile grade. Upgrade 28 curb ramps at six intersections, resurface 2.9 miles of class I bikeway that runs parallel to the mainline, repair localized depressions in the roadway profile grade by injecting expanded polyurethane materials, replace the existing nonstandard median concrete barrier, replace asphalt concrete dikes, replace nonstandard guardrails, Place enhanced wet/night visibility striping and shoulder rumble strips, upgrade/replace drainage facilities and upgrade/replace various electrical systems, including traffic signals, traffic loop detectors, push buttons and pedestrian crossing signals.
Current Status
Construction began in Summer 2023.

Environmental Documents: Fall 2020 (Actual)
Design Complete: Summer 2022 (Actual)
Begin Construction: Summer 2023 (Actual)
End Construction: Spring 2025 (Tentative)
Project Contact
If you have a question or want to share a concern, please call our Project Hotline at (510) 286-0319.
Or you can contact