82 El Camino Real Pavement Rehabilitation Project

In Santa Clara county, in City of  Santa Clara and San Jose, on Route 82 from McKendrie Street to El Camino Real. Post Mile 9.8/R10.4.

This project proposes to rehabilitate, from lip of gutter to lip of gutter, by cold planning all travel lanes and shoulders of AC pavement and upgrade  ADA ramps within Caltrans ROW and installing High-Intensity activated crosswalk (HAWK) system.
Purpose & Scope:
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to preserve and extend the life of the existing pavement and ride quality.

The pavement Condition Survey for this section of  road  has minor pavement distress and poor ride quality.    

Current Status:
Project Design was completed in March 2019 and project was advertise and awarded in October 2019.

Construction was delayed to start in April 2020 due temperature requirement for paving. However, some works that are not affected by temperature, such as installation of construction area signs, and installation of ADA curb ramps will start early in March.

  • Complete Project Approval and Environmental Document February 2016
  • Complete Final Design March 2019
  • Begin Construction March 2020
  • End Construction June 2021

Beginning of projectEnd of project