San Mateo US-101 Pavement Rehabilitation & Median Barrier Upgrade Project
Project Summary
This State Highway Operation and Protection Plan (SHOPP) project will rehabilitate pavement of the mainline and upgrade the concrete median barrier on US-101. This project is located in East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and Redwood City, from Santa Clara/San Mateo County line to 0.1 mile south of Whipple Avenue. This project will extend the pavement service life and improve ride quality.
Work Description
This project proposes to rehabilitate the pavement from Santa Clara/San Mateo County line to 0.1 mile south of Whipple Avenue (Post Mile 0.0 to 6.5) on 101 throughout the NB and SB mainline. It will also upgrade the median barrier throughout the project limits, replace loop detectors throughout the mainline, update striping, install rumble strips & stripes, and install signs within the project limits.
Project Benefits
This project will preserve, repair, and extend the life of the existing pavement, improve ride quality, and optimize the performance of the transportation system for the movement of travelers and goods.
Tentative Construction Schedule
Key Dates
Start Construction: May 2024
End Construction: Summer 2025
Nine Single Lane (#1 Lane) 55-Hour Weekend Closures (Tentatively August 2024 – November 2024):
During the 55-hour single lane closure, the #1 lane (lane closest to the median) in northbound & southbound directions will be closed - all other lanes will remain open. Nine single lane (#1 lane) 55-hour weekend closures will allow construction production rates to increase, greatly reducing the construction schedule and impacts to the traveling public. There will be no impact to the express lanes as the weekend closures are outside the operating hours of the express lanes. The maximum duration for the single lane closure will be for a period of 55 hours from 10:00 p.m., Friday night to 5:00 a.m., Monday morning for the construction of upgrading the median barrier. #2 lane will be closed at night as needed. All other work will be completed during the nights in-between these weekend closures. Expect delays during the weekend closures. Alternative modes of transportation and alternative routes encouraged.
Project Contact
Alejandro LopezCaltrans Public Information Officer
Desk: 510-385-6856