128 Capell Creek Bridge Replacement Project
Project Overview:

Caltrans Bay Area has begun the construction on the replacement bridge of State Route 128 (SR-128) Capell Creek Bridge just west of Lake Berryessa and north of State Route 121 in Napa County. The bridge was constructed in the 1950s and has had slope stability issues since 1965 and landslide movement has been detected on the northwest side of the creek.
Scope of Work:
The project will consist of demolishing the existing Capell Creek Bridge, building a replacement bridge on the same alignment and widening the roadway. The project will address the structure deficiency caused by the earth movement.
Temporary Steel Bridge:
Crews completed the steel bridge in June 2020, shifting traffic onto the temporary bridge as crews build a new bridge. Temporary one-way traffic controls are in place during the time of construction.
SR-128 Capell Creek Bridge Replacement is a $24.8 million project which is funded by the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP).
SHOPP is the State Highway System’s “fix-it-first’ program that funds the repairs and preservation, emergency repairs, safety improvements, and some highway operational improvements on the State Highway System.
Key Dates:
The new bridge will be completed as early as summer 2021 at which time the new bridge will be opened to traffic and the temporary bridge eventually removed.

Pedro Quintana
Caltrans Bay Area, Public Information Officer
Phone: (510) 867-6028