SR82 Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon System (HAWK)
Crosswalk safety Enhancements
State Route 82
Project Location:
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon or High Intensity Activated Crosswalk Beacon (HAWK) will be installed at State Route – 82 (SR-82) at El Camino Real at various Intersections and Cities as listed in below table. This project will stretch from San Jose to San Francisco.
Project Description and Scope:
This project is to enhance drivers' awareness of pedestrians at uncontrolled crossings. This will be done through various methods, for example: pedestrian crosswalk regulatory signs, safety lighting, Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons, Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons, restriping with high visibility markings, and install and upgrade effected crosswalks to ADA standards.
A Few Facts About The Project:
Caltrans has developed a project that will provide pedestrian crosswalk safety enhancements at various intersections at selected State highways in Santa Clara County (including San Jose, Sunnyvale, Los Altos, Palo Alto) and San Francisco County
Project is scheduled to be completed by summer of 2019
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Victor Gauthier
District 4-Oakland
Caltrans Public Information Offcer,
Santa Clara County Caltrans