
The Administrative Services Branch provides the following services to the District

Mail Center receives and distributes all District 4 mail. This includes overnight express packages, interoffice, headquarters and U.S. Postal mail. Business address must include complete name, unit and mail station.

Loading Dock also known as shipping and receiving. Receives all office supplies, equipment and furniture for the District. Orders must include the following: contact person, location, room number, and phone number.

Map Files houses all As-Built maps for the District. Contains approximately 100,000 records dating back to 1912. Located on the 10th Floor.

Library contains hundreds of items to assist in study materials for the EIT, PE, LSIT and Office Technician exams to name a few. Houses approximately 17,065 publications for that next big research project. Located on the 12th Floor.

Archives are housed in the basement’s Archive Record Center, which houses a number of important documents as they pertain to District 4 projects.