Caltrans Temporarily Removes One-Way Traffic Control on Hwy 1 in Northern Sonoma County until Drier Months
Two-way traffic will resume until construction begins again in spring
SONOMA COUNTY – On Friday February 9, Caltrans removed one-way traffic control from a one-mile section of Highway 1 in northern Sonoma County, allowing full use of both lanes after wet winter weather put a halt to the construction of a retaining wall.
Caltrans is building the retaining wall in a sparsely populated area about a quarter mile north of Myers Grade Road - about five miles north of Jenner and about five miles south of Fort Ross.
Caltrans will again implement one-way traffic control when drier weather arrives in the spring allowing work to commence. Caltrans estimates that the wall will be finished by late May 2024, at which point the road will permanently open to two-way traffic.
Caltrans has been constructing a half-mile-long retaining wall on the ocean side of Highway 1. To allow room for construction, Caltrans closed the southbound lane and installed two traffic signals to control vehicles at each end of the project.
Construction crews are building the wall about a mile south of a recently completed retaining wall project, where in 2020/21, Caltrans replaced four retaining walls that were badly damaged in the Myers Fire of August 2020.
For more information and periodic updates, go to the project website at
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