Tree Trimming/Tree Removal Project to Start in Sonoma, Marin Counties in June Along State Route 1 (Shoreline Highway), SR-12, US-101 and SR-131


Schedule: Project starts Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Map showing the location on on SR-1 in Sonoma County near Bodega Highway where Caltrans will be performing tree trimming/tree removal work.Sonoma County, Marin County - Caltrans is scheduled to begin a tree trimming/ removal project in various locations along State Route 1 (Shoreline Highway), SR-12, SR-131 (Tiburon Boulevard) and US-101.

Intermittent one-way traffic control will be utilized on SR-1 and SR-12 and lane closures will be used on US-101 and SR-131.

The first location is on SR-1 in Sonoma County near Bodega Highway on Wednesday, June 26 between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The lane closures are necessary due to the size of trees and equipment needed to safely complete the work.

The removal of trees is to keep our roads as safe as possible for our travelers, and work will be overseen by a certified arborist working alongside Caltrans.

The project is scheduled to be completed in Fall, 2024. All work depends on weather.

For real-time traffic, click on Caltrans QuickMap: