District: 4 – Bay Area
Contact: RocQuel Johnson, Caltrans
Phone: (510) 501-0446
Contact: Maisha Everhart, Alameda CTC
Phone: (510) 208-7475
Alameda County Transportation Commission Begins Improvements to State Route 84 in Alameda County
SR-84 from South of Ruby Hill Drive to I-680 and
SR-84/I-680 Interchange Improvements Project in the Tri-Valley
ALAMEDA COUNTY – The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) celebrate the groundbreaking on the final improvement project along State Route 84 (SR-84) and Interstate 680 (I-680) between Livermore and Sunol in the Tri-Valley. The $244.1 million project will improve safety and provide more options for motorists to opt-out of congestion along this busy stretch of highway.
“These improvements for the SR-84/I-680 Project will offer increased safety for all traveling in the area, bicyclists and drivers,” said Alameda CTC Chair Pauline Cutter. “They will improve the commute for many who rely on an uncongested travel route in and through this corridor.”
Construction will take place along SR-84 south of Ruby Hill Drive to I-680. Crews will widen the road to accommodate an additional lane in each direction, improve interchange ramps, and extend the existing southbound I-680 High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane by two miles. They will also install separated striped bicycle paths and plant trees in the area—increasing the existing number by three-fold. Work on this project is expected to be completed by Spring 2024.
Alameda County District 1 Supervisor and Alameda CTC Commissioner David Haubert noted, “Alameda CTC is pleased to work with Caltrans and all of our partners in getting to deliver this final segment in a series of improvements to conform SR-84 to expressway standards from Sunol to Livermore.”
“We are excited that this long-awaited project has broken ground. Our Tri-Valley community is thrilled about improving this roadway to prioritize safety, mobility, and efficiency,” said Livermore Mayor Bob Woerner. “Thank you to Caltrans and Alameda CTC for their partnership in delivering this critical project and making our region better.”
This project is the last of five along SR-84 that began with investments from Measure B in 1986 and is supported by federal, state, and local funds.
“Completion of this project is made possible by the voters of Alameda County. Alameda County voters supported investments in SR-84 through transportation expenditure plans beginning with the 1986 Measure B, then the 2000 Measure B, and more recently with the 2014 Measure BB,” said Alameda CTC Executive Director Tess Lengyel. “These investments are critical to improving safety. For example, during peak commute times when SR-84 is congested, collision rates on SR-84 and the I-680 interchange are higher than the state average; this project will change that. As a result, cyclists and drivers will be able to maneuver in and out of driveways and travel more safely on SR-84 and local roads.”
President and CEO of Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce, Dawn Argula, said, “Our members are thrilled about the benefits of this project that will enhance access to their businesses and improve quality of life in the Tri-Valley.”
“Fremont Freewheelers looks forward to being able to ride along what will be a 10-feet wide separated and striped bikeway on both sides of the expressway – we’ll be able to ride safely from Livermore and Pleasanton to I-680. Thanks, Alameda CTC and Caltrans, for developing these great bicycle improvements,” said Fremont Freewheelers Bicycle Club Vice President Glenn Kirby.
Please watch and share the video in celebration of the groundbreaking for the project:
Dina El-Tawansy
Caltrans District4 Director
Pauline Cutter
Karla Brown
Dawn Argula President/CEO of the Livermore Chamber of Commerce
David Haubert
Alameda CTC Commissioner Alameda County Supervisor, District 1
Bob Woerner
Alameda CTC Commissioner Mayor of Livermore
Glenn Kirby
Vice-Chair of the Fremont Freewheelers Bicycle Club
Jerry Thorne
Former Alameda CTC Commissioner
Former Mayor of Pleasanton
More information about the project and updates can be found online by visiting the Caltrans project website https://dot.ca.gov/caltrans-near-me/district-4/d4-news/2020- 12-07-sr-84-expressway-widening-sr-84-i-680-interchange-update or the Alameda CTC website at https://www.alamedactc.org/programs-projects/highway-improvement/sr- 84-and-sr-84-i-680-interchange-improvements/.
Caltrans wants to remind motorists to “Be Work Zone Alert” and slow down in construction zones for the safety of themselves, other travelers, and the crews performing this work.