District: 4 – Oakland
Contact: Alejandro Lopez
Email: alejandro.lopez@dot.ca.gov
Phone: (510) 385-6856
Continuing, December 4 through February 2021
Marin County – Caltrans District 4 (Bay Area), is continuing lane and ramp closures along US-101 starting in the city of Sausalito to the Golden Gate Bridge, in both the Southbound and Northbound directions.
Starting on Monday, December 7, closures will be from 10:00 PM through 5:00 AM, Monday through Friday with one lane open to traffic during these hours. Followed by daytime closures starting on Monday, December 14, from 11:00 AM until 4:00 PM, with two lanes open to traffic during these hours. The work will include grinding, paving, and resurfacing the locations with a high friction treatment. Work will be performed intermittently. This work will be concluded in February 2021.
This work is a part of an on-going construction project along US-101 starting at the Golden Gate Bridge progressing through Sausalito and concluding with the ramps in San Rafael. Advisories will be issued for each phase of work being conducted.
For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit 511.org: https://twitter.com/511SFBay
For real-time information, please visit Caltrans QuickMap: http://quickmap.dot.ca.gov
Or follow Caltrans on Twitter at https://twitter.com/CaltransD4