2020-11-13 Upcoming Traffic Switch Van Ness Improvement Project


Upcoming Traffic Switch and Van Ness Improvement Project Construction Forecast: November 16 - November 27, 2020

If you travel on Van Ness Avenue, prepare for a traffic lane shift taking place November 19-20.  The Van Ness Improvement Project will continue shifting lanes on Van Ness Avenue so that work on the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system can continue in the middle of the street. Please note the change in date from last week's Forecast.

On the evening of November 19, northbound traffic will be shifted between Filbert and Sacramento streets. On the evening of November 20, southbound traffic will be shifted between these streets.
Work will be performed from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. Once the switch has been completed, there will be two lanes available in each direction for motorists at all times. (Continued)

Read the complete update here.