Caltrans has initiated emergency repair projects along Sonoma Highway 1 to address roadway deterioration caused by storm damage and continued coastal erosion.
What’s Happening The Weekend Of August 15, 2019
Upcoming Work:
- SON – Bodega Bay (PM 11.2): Work scheduled, Sunday thru Saturday. Installation of southbound footings will be poured next week and the northbound footings at the end of August. Night work will be 6:30PM - 7:00AM. One-way traffic control in effect for night work. Flaggers will be onsite during day time work to assist trucks and equipment entering and exiting work site. Culvert installation to begin after Labor Day.
- SON – Gleason Beach (PM 15.4): One-way traffic control is operational. Roadway work scheduled for next week. Work schedule will be Monday thru Saturday, 7AM-7PM. Flaggers will be on site to maintain one-way traffic control.
- SON – Jenner (PM 22.64): Work is anticipated to repair slide and improve drainage.
- SON – Jenner (PM 24.2): One- way traffic control is in place. Soldier pile wall installation for the next 7 weeks.
- SON – Salt Pt. State Park (PM 38.64): Work is anticipated to repair slide.
What To Expect
Other Resources
Caltrans Public Information Officers
Alejandro Lopez: or (510)-286-5445
RocQuel Johnson: or (510) 286-4948