08-09-2019 Sonoma County Highway 1


Updates For Emergency Repair Projects
August 8, 2019

Keep Highway 1 Operational!

Caltrans has initiated emergency repair projects along Sonoma Highway 1 to address roadway deterioration caused by storm damage and continued coastal erosion.

What’s Happening The Weekend Of August 8, 2019

Sonoma Highway 1 update map

Upcoming Work:

  1. SON – Bodega Bay (PM 11.2): Work is scheduled 7 days a week (Sunday through Saturday) Installation of southbound footings will be poured late next week and the northbound footings at the end of August. Night work will be 6:30 PM to 7:00 AM. One-way traffic control will be in effect for night work. Flaggers will be onsite during day time work to assist trucks and equipment entering and exiting work site.
  2. SON – Gleason Beach (PM 15.4): One-way traffic control is operational. Pile wall construction to begin mid-August. Roadway construction will begin mid-August.
  3. SON – Jenner (PM 22.64): Work is anticipated to repair slide and improve drainage.
  4. SON – Jenner (PM 24.2): One- way traffic control is in place.Soldier pile wall installation for the next 7 weeks.
  5. SON – Salt Pt. State Park (PM 38.64): Work is anticipated to repair slide

What To Expect

  • A traveler can expect 5 minute delays at Locations 2 through 5.
  • Please drive cautiously through the construction zone, leave a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you, and Slow for the Cone Zone.

Other Resources

  • Please visit 511.org or the Caltrans QuickMap for real-time info on travel conditions.
  • Bodega Bay businesses along Highway 1 are open for business.

Caltrans thanks you for your patience as we work to maintain California’s highways

Caltrans Public Information Officers

Alejandro Lopez: Caltrans.D4.PIO@dot.ca.gov or (510)-286-5445

RocQuel Johnson: Caltrans.D4.PIO@dot.ca.gov or (510) 286-4948