State Route 99 Lomo Crossing Project

Project Description:

Caltrans is improving safety and traffic flow on State Route 99 (SR 99) near Live Oak in Sutter County. The project extends from 0.2 miles south of Eager Road to 0.6 miles south of Clark Road and will enhance safety by:

  • Eliminating cross-traffic access to SR 99 from Encinal Road/Live Oak Boulevard
  • Adding acceleration lanes near the railroad crossing
  • Improving access to the Eager Road Interchange

Project Location
Near Live Oak, CA

  • Southern boundary: Live Oak Boulevard/Encinal Road intersection
  • Northern boundary: Kent Avenue intersection

Project Map:



The purpose of this project is to improve safety and reduce the number and severity of collisions on SR 99 in Sutter County in the Lomo Crossing area, bound near the Live Oak Boulevard/Encinal Road intersection on the south and the Kent Avenue intersection on the north.


The collision rate for the approximately 0.75-mile section of SR 99 between Live Oak Boulevard/Encinal Road and Kent Avenue intersections, respectively, meets the Highway Safety Improvement Program requirements for a safety improvement due to the number and severity of collisions, which are mostly due to turning movements at the Live Oak Boulevard/Encinal Road intersection with some related to the southbound SR 99 left turn lane, which is restricted in length due to the proximity of the railroad tracks.


It has been determined that this project is eligible for Federal-aid funding. The project is programmed in the 2020 State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) under the 20.XX.201.010 Safety program and was funded in the 2023/2024 fiscal year.

Cost Estimate:

Support Cost $4,015,000
Capital Cost $9,900,000
Total Project Cost $13,915,000



Project Approval & Environmental Document August 5, 2022
Design Completed May 2025
Advertise Project  July 2025
Project Schedule Update: The schedule is subject to change. An updated schedule for construction season is coming soon. Thank you for your patience.


Project Contacts:
Bikramjit Kahlon, Project Manager; 530-812-5049;
Megan Reese, Public Information Officer; 530-682-6145;