State Route 99 Oswald Road

Project Description: 

Near Yuba City, from 0.6 mile south to 0.6 mile north of Oswald Road. Construct traffic signal to improve safety. This project will reduce the number and severity of collisions. (Additional Contribution: $1,695,691 CONST from Sutter County.)


The purpose of the proposed project is to provide safe and sustainable access to SR 99, Oswald Road and adjacent developments; to provide acceptable Level of Service (LOS) for a 2045 design year; and to accommodate projected traffic associated with foreseeable future developments.


The project area has a higher accident rate than the state-wide average for similar facilities, with a total of 37 collisions and 1 fatality recorded over a 3-year period from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2017. Analysis shows that 10 of the 37 accidents occur at the intersection of SR 99 & Oswald Road and the remaining 27 occur north or south of the intersection. The existing LOS in the PM peak hour is "E" for westbound (WB) Oswald Road at SR 99.


Funding for the project is anticipated to come from Senate Bill 1(SB1) funds, Caltrans State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funds under the 20.XX.201.010 Safety Program, and Local funds (from Sutter County).


Cost Estimate:

This projects total cost is $15,805,691


Project Approval & Environmental Document  February 15, 2023 
Design Completed
May 1, 2024
Advertise Project
July 8, 2024
Begin Construction
October 29, 2025
Complete Construction
December 2025

Project Contacts:
Bikramjit Kahlon, Project Manager; 530- 812-5049;
Megan Reese, Public Information Officer; 530-682-6145;