State Route 113 Jennings/Knights Curve Improvement

Project Description:
This project is located near Knights Landing, spanning from just north of the Yolo County line to just south of Leiser Road. The work involves realigning the curve along this stretch of roadway. 

Project Location Map:

Knights landing project limit map


The primary purpose is to improve safety by flattening the curve radius and realigning the horizontal curve away from the trailer park. Flattening curves is a FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasure. A secondary purpose is to remove existing traffic conflict points by eliminating the trailer park's three gravel driveways onto SR 113 and instead move the access location to the existing Knights Road intersection for entering or turning movements along an approximately 750-foot segment of SR 113. This will allow drivers on SR 113 to better focus on a single location for traffic movements versus trying to focus on three access locations, onto or off of SR 113, in close proximity to each other.


As part of the Safe Systems and Forgiving Roadway initiatives that the Department is currently undertaking, this project is needed to reduce the incidence of fatal and serious collisions that have been occurring within the project limits. This segment of SR 113 has a horizontal curve where 14 collisions including 1 fatality collision (resulting in multiple fatalities) and 8 injury collisions have occurred in the past 5 years. The multiple fatalities occurred when a vehicle ran off the road into an adjacent mobile home park and killed 3 people.


The project was amended into the 2022 State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) and has been funded under the 20.XX.201.010 Safety Improvements Program.


Cost Estimate: 

 Support Cost  $3,490,000
 Capital Cost  $5,140,000
Total Project Cost  $8,630,000


Project Approval & Environmental Documents  May 1, 2024 
 Design Completed January 2026
 Advertise Project  February 2026
Begin Construction July 2026
Complete Construction May 2027

Project Contacts:
Bikramjit Kahlon, Project Manager; 530-812-5049;
Megan Reese, Public Information Officer; (530) 682-6145;