SAC-12 Terminous Safety Project
Project ID | EA | District | County | Route | Funding Program |
0321000198 | 2J200 | 03 | SAC | 012 | SHOPP |
Project Description:
Near Rio Vista, from 0.1 mile east of Route 160 to Mokelumne River Bridge. Install concrete median barrier, widen shoulders, improve left turn access at Terminous Road, upgrade guardrails and drainage systems, replace signs, overlay pavement, and install count station and closed circuit television.
Project Location Map:
Purpose And Need:
The purpose of this project is to improve the safety of the traveling public by reducing the number of fatal and serious injury collisions. This project will install concrete median barrier, widen the inside shoulders to standard width, and construct left turn lane at the intersection of Terminous Road.
The Segments of SR 12 in Districts 3, 4, and 10 have appeared in the annual Two and Three-Lane monitoring reports over the past 15 years, and, more recently, in the Cross Over Collision monitoring reports. This segment of SR 12 in District 3 has appeared in the Cross Over Collision monitoring reports from 2018 to 2022. Even though several incremental safety countermeasures have been installed within this segment over the recent years, collisions continue to occur. From 01/01/2016 to 12/31/2020 there was a total of 204 collisions within this segment, which included 5 fatal collisions and 12 serious injuries. Out of these collisions, 7 were listed on the 2020 Cross Over Collision monitoring report, including 4 fatal collisions and 3 injuries. From 01/01/2021 to 10/03/2022, a total of 96 additional collisions occurred within this segment, including 4 fatal collisions and 7 serious injuries. This project should reduce the number of fatal and serious injury collisions within this segment of SR 12.
This project programmed from State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) under 20.XX.201.010 Safety program.
Cost Estimate:
Support Cost | $ 6,160,000.00 |
Capital Cost | $ 34,060,000.00 |
Total Project Cost | $ 43,220,000.00 |
Approve PID (M010) | 06/27/2023 |
Program Project (M015) | 08/17/2023 |
Program Approval & Environmental Document (M200) | 03/2025 |
Design Completed (M460) | 05/2026 |
Advertise Project (M480) | 06/2026 |
Begin Construction (M500) | 09/2026 |
Complete Construction (M600) | 12/2027 |
End Construction (M800) | 03/2029 |
Project Contacts:
John Bamfield, Project Manager, (530) 821-3851;
Dennis Keaton, Public Information Officer, (530) 741-5474;