I-80 Soda Springs Pavement Rehabilitation Project
Project Description:
Near Kingvale, from Placer County line to east of Donner Pass Road (PM 0.0/R2.7L/R); also in Placer County, from west of Troy Road Undercrossing to Nevada County line (PM 68.3/69.7). Rehabilitate roadway, construct truck climbing lane in eastbound direction, replace Kingvale Undercrossing No. 19-0107R and Troy Road Undercrossing No. 19-0106R, replace sign panels, upgrade lighting and Transportation Management System (TMS) elements, and rehabilitate drainage systems.
The project would restore the facility to a state of good repair and provide efficient movement of people and goods through pavement and culvert rehabilitation. The provision of a truck climbing lane would improve both traffic safety and highway operation by facilitating the passing of trucks and slow-moving vehicles whose speeds drop due to the sustained grade. Safety would also be improved by upgrading signs and detector loops, and by replacing all non-standard metal beam guardrail with shoulder concrete barrier.Need:
Due to the heavy vehicle traffic and chain/studded tire wear during the winter months, the pavement has experienced severe rutting. The existing pavement has cracks in certain areas which indicates it is close to the end of its service life. The rutting and cracking will continue to worsen and lead to an unacceptable ride quality for the public by the construction year. The trucks and vehicles towing trailers experience reduced speeds due the sustained grades within the project limits and this impacts the traveling public because the freeway is not operating as efficiently as one would expect. Existing culverts are deteriorated and need rehabilitation. According to current culvert inspection log, culverts within the project limits having an existing health rating below the threshold of 60 and will have to be repaired, replaced, or extended as part of this project. The existing overhead sign structures at the westbound Kingvale exit and eastbound Soda Springs exit are deteriorated and need to be replaced. Existing sign panels at the eastbound exit to Kingvale and the westbound exit to Soda Springs are deteriorated as well and need to be replaced with sign panels that meet current design standards.
This project was programmed in the 2020 State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) and funded through the 20.XX.201.122 Roadway Rehabilitation (2R).
Support Cost: $16,084,000
Capital Cost: $74,628,000
Total Project Cost: $90,712,000
Project Approval & Environmental Document | February 2022 |
Design Completed | May 2023 |
Advertise Project | August 2023 |
Begin Construction | December 2023 |
Complete Construction | July 2027 |
Sean Shaw, Project Manager, (530) 923-3924; sean.m.shaw@dot.ca.gov
Jeremy Linder, Public Information Officer, (530) 701-5209; jeremy.linder@dot.ca.gov