Humphrey Road Intersection Improvement
Project Description:
The Humphrey Road Intersection Improvement project is located near Yuba City at the intersection of SR 20 and Humphrey Road. The project will involve the installation of a roundabout to improve traffic flow and safety.
Public Meeting:
Caltrans will hold a public meeting on March 5, 2025, at Sutter High School, to gather community input on the proposed options for a roundabout or a traffic signal. While the project is conceptually approved for a roundabout, Caltrans would like to get community feedback on both options of roundabout and traffic signal to ensure the best solution for the intersection.
Project Location:
The primary goal of this project is to enhance safety for motorists at the intersection and to reduce the number of serious injury collisions that have occurred at the existing intersection.
Between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2021, the intersection reported 13 collisions, including 1 serious injury collision. The types of collisions included 9 broadside and 2 sideswipe incidents, both of which are types of crashes that can be mitigated by installing a roundabout.
This project is programmed into the 2022 State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) and is funded with the 20.XX.201.010 program.
Cost Estimate:
Support Cost | $3,220,000 |
Capital Cost | $5,315,000 |
Total Project Cost | $8,535,000 |
Project Approval & Environmental Document | May 2025 |
Design Completed | May 2026 |
Advertise Project | July 2026 |
Begin Construction | October 2026 |
Complete Construction | October 2027 |
Project Contacts:
Bikramjit Kahlon, Project Manager; 530- 812-5049;
Megan Reese, Public Information Officer; 530-682-6145;