I-5 Maxwell Southbound Safety Roadside Rest Area Project

The project proposes to demolish and remove the existing comfort station building, construct 2 new comfort station buildings, construct one new crew maintenance building, install picnic tables and shade structures, install new pedestrian and parking lot lighting, install new landscape areas, cold plane and overlay of the existing parking lot, remove existing walkways, and construct new walkways to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.


This project proposes to extend the operational lifecycle of the existing southbound Maxwell Safety Roadside Rest Area Project (SRRA) facility while also accommodating future traffic volume demands for the comfort station fixtures and modernizing the site.

The existing Maxwell SB SRRA is in substandard condition. The current comfort station at the SRRA is at the end of its functional lifecycle and below the minimum restroom fixture count needed to service the growing volume of motorists along I-5. Parking lot lighting and lighting along the walkways are deficient with the electrical conduit conductors and pull boxes feeding the lighting system being deteriorated. Pavement structure, sidewalk, and walkways exhibit cracking. Curb ramps and walkway paths to the comfort stations are ADA deficient. Landscaping and irrigation systems at the SRRA are also in poor condition due to age and deterioration.


This project was programmed in the 2024 State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) and has been funded in the 20.xx.201.250 Safety Roadside Rest Area Restoration Program.


Support Cost $5,060,000
Capital Cost $ 11,820,000
Total Project Cost $ 16,880,000



Project Approval & Environment Document   August 2025
Design Completed  July 2027
Advertise Project  August 2027
Begin Construction December 2027
Complete Construction April 2029


Christopher Sugar, Project Manager, (530) 812-4314; christopher.sugar@dot.ca.gov
Megan Reese, Public Information Officer, (530) 682-6145; megan.reese@dot.ca.gov