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Our Goals
Safety - Achieve the best safety record in the nation
Reliability - Reduce traveler delays due to roadwork and incidents.
Performance - Deliver record levels of transportation system improvements
Productivity - Improve the efficiency of the transportation system.
Flexibility - Make transit a more practical option.
Work Zone Safety Tips
The California Department of Transportation wants you to return home safely to your family. The following tips are to help you stay safe while traveling throug
maintenance and construction work zones. Motorists can make trips a little safer by remembering the following work zone safety tips.
- DO NOT SPEED in work zones - obey the posted limits
- STAY ALERT. Expect the unexpected
- WATCH FOR WORKERS and drive with caution
- Don't change lanes unnecessarily
- Avoid using mobile phones while driving in work zones
- Turn on headlight so workers and other drivers can see you
- Be especially alert at night while driving in work zones
- Expect delays, especially during peak travel times
- Allow ample space between you and the car in front of you
- Anticipate lane shifts, and merge when directed to do so
- Be Patient