Vertical Clearance Signs YOL-VAR PM
Minor B
Bid Date
County Route
Replace existing vertical clearance gauges.
Bidder Inquiry / Response
1) I Googled the bridges. The views show everything but the existing signs. Would you happen to have a shot, or two of them?
2) How deep is the spalling? Pretty much surface, or deep?
3) What department has jurisdiction of the river ( Fish & Game, Coast Guard, etc)?
4) Is there barbed wire to contend with?
5) Were the existing signs installed (from the water & on the concrete footing, or over-the-side inspection platform, from the bridge deck
- Structures Response: Refer to the photos in the Information Handout in Addendum # 3, dated September 17, 2024.
- Structures Response: Refer to the “Spall Repair Detail” on plan sheet 6 of 7 and to the photos in Addendum # 3, dated September 17, 2024. Please bid per current contract documents.
- Structures Response: Refer to the Information Handout in Addendum #2, dated September 11, 2024. United States Coast Guard has jurisdiction of the river.
- Structures Response: Please bid per current contract documents.
- Structures Response: Please bid per current contract documents.