Sugar Pine Cut and Covers
02A2380 Minor B
Bid Date
County Route
Culvert spot locations
Bidder Inquiry / Response
We are planning to bid as a general contractor for SB Contract# 02A2380 tomorrow Feb 20, 2025. As stated in the ITB we will send our full proposal & all documents on the checklist in one email- Subject Line Titled as instructed, direct to your email on one scan attachment , rather than multiple attachments.
Can you also confirm that this project would start as soon as contract documents are submitted by the lowest bidder and the contact would be awarded within 2-3 weeks of the bid date?
Contracts are not considered complete until they have been signed and executed by the Attorney General or their authorized representative. No work may begin on a contract prior to its execution.
The timeline from bid to execution of a contract is approximately 4 months. Following notice of execution, the appropriate Caltrans staff with coordinate with the low bidder to begin progression of work.