Pedestrian Safety and Run off Road Safety.
03A3944 Minor B
Bid Date
County Route
Upgrade crosswalks to high-visibility ladder type upgrade pedestrian signs upgrade edge line to 6".
Bidder Inquiry / Response
I had a question I hope you can help me with. We are new to trying to obtain some of the smaller Caltrans projects. For this contract we still haven’t finalized a new insurance policy to meet the requirements in the specifications. My question is, if we were the low/winning bid, and for some reason we couldn’t obtain the proper insurance, would we be financially liable for any losses when awarding to the next lowest bidder? It states no bid bond is required for Minor B contracts. Basically, we are trying to risk manage our exposure in the event we can’t meet the requirements.
Structure’s response: The award goes to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. If the contractor cannot submit all required documents within 10 business days of award, they would not be financially liable for any losses.