Rio Vista Bridge Scheduled for Work with One-Way Traffic Control


State Route 12 sign

District: District 3 - Marysville
Sergio Aceves, District 3 Director
Caltrans Contact: Dennis Keaton
(916) 825-5252


Rio Vista - Caltrans is alerting motorists to nightly and early morning delays on the State Route 12 (SR-12) Rio Vista Bridge through February 5.

Motorists can expect delays as crews work to finish the remaining pavement work. One-way traffic control will be in place nightly and motorists should expect delays up to 20 minutes. Work crews will avoid peak commute times in the morning and afternoons. The bridge remains safe for travel.

In addition, Caltrans is notifying recreational boaters and commercial vessels that all vessels will be required to provide four-hour advanced notification to the draw bridge tender seven days a week, 24 hours a day prior to requiring a draw span opening. The United States Coast Guard will announce the temporary deviation in the Local Notice to Mariners and/or Broadcast Notice to Mariners that the lift span of the bridge will open on signal if at least four hours notice is given to the draw tender.

Nightly Roadwork Schedule With One-Way Traffic Control:

Weekdays from 7 p.m. - 6 a.m.
Friday from 8 p.m. - 7 a.m. Saturday
Saturday from 7 p.m. - 9 a.m. Sunday

For additional information on Delta Region work go to:

Work is scheduled as listed but subject to change due to traffic incidents, weather, availability of equipment and/ or materials, and other construction-related issues. Caltrans will issue construction updates on X @CaltransDist3 and on Facebook at CaltransDistrict3.

For real-time traffic conditions, click on Caltrans’ QuickMap or download the QuickMap app from the App Store or Google Play.

For motorists using the SR-84 Real McCoy and SR-220 Ryer Island ferries as a bridge detour, additional ferry information is located on our Caltrans Delta Ferries website at: Bay Area motorists can check for 24/7 traffic updates at  or follow Caltrans District 4 on X @CaltransD4

Logo for Rio Vista Bridge project  Rio Vista project map