Construction Begins on SR-70 for Caltrans Clean California Project in Oroville


Clean California - A transformative initiative to remove litter; create jobs and beautify California

District: Caltrans District 3
Contact: Kevin Murphy
Phone: 530-812-7282


Oroville - Construction for a Caltrans Clean California beautification project in Butte County will begin on Monday, April 10. The project area is along State Route 70 between State Route 162/Oro Dam Boulevard and Montgomery Street.

Motorists can expect a partial lane closure of SR-162/Oro Dam Boulevard at the SR-70 overcrossing from 8:00 p.m. Monday to 6:00 a.m. Tuesday to allow crews to install temporary concrete barriers. An additional closure may be necessary on Tuesday, April 11, also from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the following morning.

No other traffic-interfering work is anticipated during construction. However, pedestrians are advised that sidewalk access will be limited at the SR-70 undercrossing.

As part of the $1.8 million project, improvements will include the creation of dry creek beds and rock outcroppings and new decorative slope paving and design elements to the existing piers under the State Routes 70/162 interchange. The installation of mosaic tile art panels created by local children and teens will also be installed as part of the project, facilitated by the City of Oroville and Rainforest Art Project of Chico. The project is expected to be completed in August.

The project is the first of two Clean California beautification projects to begin construction in Butte County. A second project will provide similar improvements and design aesthetics to the 20th Street and Skyway interchanges along State Route 99 in Chico. Construction on the Chico project is expected to begin over the summer.

Both projects are made possible through Governor Gavin Newsom’s Clean California initiative, a sweeping, $1.2 billion, multiyear clean-up effort led by Caltrans to remove trash, create thousands of jobs, and join with communities throughout the state to reclaim, transform and beautify public spaces.

The Butte County projects are just two of 126 statewide highway beautification projects to be funded by the Clean California initiative. For more information, visit

map of hw 70 and 162


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