District: District 3 - Marysville
Contact: Angela DaPrato
Phone: (916) 826-3093
Sacramento County — The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is scheduled to close one lane on northbound and one lane on southbound State Route 99 from south of Grant Line Road to south of Dillard Road Overcrossing. The 44-hour partial closure is scheduled to begin 9:00 p.m., Friday, February 19 until 5:00 p.m., Sunday, February 21.
Crews are planning to close the #1 (left) lane in each direction and may close the #2 (right) lane in each direction if needed. However, one lane will remain open in each direction during the 44-hour partial closures.
Motorists should expect delays and use I-5 as an alternate route.
The California Highway Patrol (CHP) will be patrolling the project site ticketing motorists who are not adhering to the posted speed limit signs. The speed limit is 45 MPH through the construction zone 24/7. The closures and speed limit reductions are necessary for the safety of motorists and workers. Caltrans advices motorists to “Be Work Zone Alert” – someone’s loved one is at work.
Crews will be working on both sides of traffic shifting k-rail and performing pavement work. Once the weekend work is done, southbound traffic will be shifted onto a straight alignment over the McConnell Overhead Bridge. Southbound traffic will no longer use temporary “S Curve” detour that was implemented in June 2020 in order for crews to begin construction of the two new bridge structures. The Eschinger Road on and off-ramps (Exit 283) along southbound SR-99 will also be closed.
The work is part of the SAC 99 Cosumnes River Bridge Replacement Project. The $207.5 million project, which includes $8.2 million in SB 1 funds, was awarded to Granite Construction. The project begins south of Dillard Road Overcrossing to south of Grant Line Road (south of the city of Elk Grove). Crews will replace the Cosumnes River bridges and the Cosumnes River Overflow bridges with two new bridge structures. The southbound McConnell underpass and the existing northbound McConnell Overhead structure will be replaced with a single McConnell Overhead structure for both northbound and southbound SR-99. Crews will also improve the Dillard Road Overcrossing. Construction of the project began in fall 2019 and the project is expected to be completed by 2024. For more information about the project visit here.
Work is scheduled to begin as listed but subject to change due to traffic incidents, weather, availability of equipment and/ or materials, and construction related issues.
Please be advised southbound Interstate 5 will be reduced to one lane and northbound to two lanes at Casilada Way (north of Seamas Avenue) in Sacramento on Friday and Saturday from 9:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. for the FixSac5 Project.
Check out Caltrans’ “Caltrans QuickMap” for current road conditions at or download the free QuickMap app on the App Store or Google Play. Motorists also can call the California Highway Information Network automated phone service at 1-800-427-ROAD (7623).
Continue to Practice Social Distancing and Keep Washing Your Hands.