VP2 Project on State Route 99
The Project:
The VP2 project is in Tehama County along State Route (SR) 99, in and near Los Molinos from the Butte County line to the Los Molinos Creek Bridge.
Project Benefits:
The purpose of the project is to restore the facility to a state of good repair so that the roadway will be in a condition that requires minimal maintenance.
Project Includes:
The proposed project includes rehabilitating the roadway with paving and widening. Work also includes paving driveway and road connections, improving pedestrian facilities and drainage in southern Los Molinos and installing lighting, installing and replacing guardrail, installing rail element wall at several fill locations, installing maintenance vehicle pullouts and census loops and piezos, upgrading CCTV, and adding broadband to project limits.
Current Project Schedule:
It is estimated this project will take 120 working days. The majority of construction is anticipated to take place in 2025, with most of the work happening at night.
Project Funding Estimates:
Project Cost: $33M
Project Manager: Javed Iqbal
Public Information Officer: Kurt Villavicencio