Diddy Roost Culverts Project on State Route 299

Diddy Roost Culverts


The Project:

The Diddy Roost Culverts project in Shasta County is on State Route (SR) 299 at various locations, from 0.5 mile west of Seamans Gulch Road to 0.1 mile west of Fenders Ferry Road.


Project Benefits:

The purpose of the project is to replace existing deficient (fair and poor condition) culvert systems to meet current and future drainage needs and restore the integrity of the highway. Additionally, the project will add new traversable drainage inlets to improve the clear recovery zone.


Project Includes:

This project includes replacing 26 culvert systems and upgrade 20 drainage inlets along SR 299 in Shasta County. Most of the culverts in this project will be replaced by cut and cover, with the exception of systems under a significant amount of fill that cannot be replaced with a shallower pipe and downdrain. In such cases, the culverts will be replaced by trenchless methods.


Current Project Schedule:

It is estimated this project will take 70 workings days, with all days requiring traffic control. Construction is scheduled to start in summer of 2026.


Project Funding Estimates:

Project Cost: $4.2M



Project Manager: Azeddine Bahloul 

Public Information Officer: Kurt Villavicencio