Division of Environmental Analysis - District 11
Our Mission
The Division of Environmental Analysis was formed in the 1970's in response to the enactment of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Division is obligated for managing Caltrans' responsibilities under all applicable federal and state environmental laws and regulations. In so doing, the Division ensures consistent and uniform application of environmental policies, standards, procedures, guidelines, and practices.
The Division consists of an interdisciplinary team of planners, engineers, archaeologists, architectural historians, paleontologists, historians, biologists, and landscape architects who play an integral role in the delivery of environmentally sound transportation projects.
The Division Of Environmental Analysis serves the environmental needs of District 11 and administers Caltrans' responsibilities under federal and state law in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) & the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The Branches For Environmental Engineering are responsible for providing technical environmental engineering studies required for the environmental approval of projects in the District. The Office also provides technical support to Design, Construction, and Maintenance offices in all matters related to air quality, noise, vibrations, dredging, and hazardous waste.
The Branch For Cultural And Paleontological Resources is responsible for identifying cultural resources that may be affected by Caltrans projects and for developing measures to mitigate impacts to those resources.
The Branch For Stewardship And Ecological Studies is responsible for preparing natural environment memos and studies, biological evaluations and assessments, and for identifying mitigation that is required for project approval. The Branch is also responsible for coordination during construction for all environmental related activities including environmental commitments. The Branch also provides functional support to Design, Construction, and Maintenance offices in securing and ensuring compliance with permits and regulatory approvals from the California Department of Fish and Game, the California Coastal Commission, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers.
The Branch For Stormwater And Water Quality is the District focal point for stormwater and water quality related issues. The Office is responsible for providing technical studies, obtaining permits, providing support to the District on environmental mitigation work and functional PS&E support on roadway projects. The Office of Water Quality ensures the Department's Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is implemented in the District. The Office also provides technical support to Design, Construction and Maintenance offices in all matters related to storm water and non-stormwater discharges.
Environmental Documents
The following environmental documents are available by request. Please contact the District 11 Public Information Office by phone at (619) 688-6699 or e-mail to the following address: CT.Public.Information.D11@dot.ca.gov.
Interstate 5
- I-5 SR-56 Interchange Project Final Environmental Impact Report / Environmental Impact Statement
- Interstate 5 North Coast Corridor Project Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Interstate 5 North Coast Corridor Public Works Plan/Transportation and Resource Enhancement Program
- Interstate 5 Section 4(f) Proposed De Minimis Evaluation for San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve
- Interstate 5/Genesee Avenue Interchange Reconstruction Project - Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration / Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
Interstate 8
- Interstate 8 Culvert Rehabilitation Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration
- I-8 Safety Improvement Project Final Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration
- El Centro Maintenance Station Initial Study with Final Negative Declaration
Interstate 15
- Interstate 15 Managed Lanes Final Initial Study/Environmental Assessment
- Interstate 15 Express Lanes Mira Mesa/Scripps Ranch Direct Access Ramp Project - Final Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
- I-805/Palm Avenue Interchange Improvements Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment Section 4(f) De Minimis Determination
- Interstate 805 Managed Lanes South Project Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
- I-805 Managed Lanes North Project Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
- I-805 Managed Lanes North Project - Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/ Environmental Assessment
- Interstate 805 High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes/Carroll Canyon Road Extension Final Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration / Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
State Route 11
- State Route 11 And the Otay Mesa East Port of Entry Final Tier II Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
State Route 15
- State Route 15 Mid-City Bus Rapid Transit Final Initial Study [with Mitigated Negative Declaration] / Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
State Route 52
- SR-52 Eastbound / Westbound Widening Project Initial Study [with Mitigated Negative Declaration] / Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
- State Route 52 Final Environmental Impact Statement/Report Santo Road to State Route 67
State Route 67
- Bradley Avenue/State Route 67 Interchange Final Initial Study (with Negative Declaration) / Environmental Assessment (with Finding of No Significant Impact)
State Route 76
- State Route 76 and Valley Center Road Intersection Improvement and Curve Realignment Final Initial Study
- State Route 76 South Mission Road to Interstate 15 Highway Improvement Project Final Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Impact Statement
- State Route 76 Melrose to South Mission - Final Environmental Impact Report/Final Environmental Impact Statement
State Route 86
- Provide Scour Mitigation for Tesla Wash Bridge on SR-86 & Z-drain Bridge on SR-111 Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration
State Route 94
- State Route 94 Improvement Project Final Environmental Impact Report
- SR-94/ SR-125 Interchange Project Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
State Route 98
- State Route 98 Roadway Widening Project Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration / Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
State Route 905
- State Route 905 Final Environmental Impact Statement/Report
Property Disposal
- Disposal of the Former California Department of Transportation District Office Complex, San Diego County- Final Environmental Impact Report