SR-78 Asset Management through Julian

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to rehabilitate and enhance various assets on State Route 78 in eastern San Diego County, between post miles 37.2 and 60.0. Proposed improvements include pavement rehabilitation; culvert rehabilitation; Traffic Management System improvements such as traffic signal upgrades; Complete Streets and mobility elements such as Americans with Disabilities Act curb ramps; and safety/roadside element improvements, including guardrails, end-treatments, and dikes.

Final Environmental Document

A draft Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) was circulated from October 18, 2024, to November 22, 2024.
All comments are addressed in the Final Environmental Document in Appendix B. 

A copy of the document is available here: State Route 78 Julian Asset Management Project (PDF).

To request hard copies of the Final Environmental Document email