State Route 78 Asset Management through Ramona

Final Environmental Document

A draft Initial Study with Negative Declaration (IS/ND) was circulated from April 15, 2024, to May 15, 2024.

All comments are addressed in the Final Environmental Document.

Copies of the Final Environmental Document may be requested by emailing

Roadway Improvements

The project intends to rehabilitate and enhance multiple transportation assets on State Route 78 (SR-78) in eastern San Diego County within the unincorporated community of Ramona. The project area extends 3.6 miles from West Haverford Road to just west of Ransom Hill Lane.

Pavement rehabilitation is the primary focus of this project. Rehabilitation includes removal of distressed pavement, replacement with new asphalt, and replacement and enhancement of shoulders, dikes that are used to convey runoff, traffic stripes and markings.

The project also proposes rehabilitating other assets related to drainage, safety, signs, roadside safety, mobility, and Complete Streets. The types of work include replacing and enhancing existing culvert systems and drains; upgrading existing curbs into ADA standard curb ramps; replacing or relocating traffic management systems such as traffic signals, pedestrian poles, pull boxes, and vehicle detection systems; replacing roadside signs; upgrading crosswalks and parking stalls, and restriping traffic lanes; and replacing and installing guardrails.