I-805 South Pavement Rehabilitation and Asset Management Project
Final Environmental Document
You can view the Final Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration(IS/MND) and Response to Comments online here.
Project Location
The proposed I-805 South Pavement Rehabilitation and Asset Management Project is located on Interstate 805 in the cities of San Diego, Chula Vista, and National City in San Diego County. The proposed project limits are on I-805 from Post Mile 0.1 (0.3 miles south of I-805/I-5 separation) to PM 14.6 (I-805/I-15 separation).
Project Description
The project proposes to rehabilitate pavement along the project corridor, which would consist of pavement grinding, full lane replacement, individual slab replacements, ramp rehabilitation, and shoulder rehabilitation. This project also proposes rehabilitating other assets, including repairing and installing approach slabs, rehabilitating existing culvert systems, replacing roadside signs, and overhead signs, upgrading midwest guardrail systems, planting work, paving beyond the gore areas, paving narrow areas, slope paving, installing mast arm ramp meters, upgrading and installing various ITS elements, upgrading existing non-standard curb ramps, constructing three auxiliary lanes, constructing a bike trail, and installing Class II, III, and IV bike lanes, and shared lanes at various interchanges.
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- I-805 South Pavement Rehabilitation and Asset Management Project
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