Harbor Drive 2.0/Vesta Bridge Port Access Improvements Project
Enhancing Freight and CommunityMobility in San Diego’s Working Waterfront
Project Initial Study / Environmental Assessment
The Final Study/Environmental Assessment (IS/EA) for the Harbor Drive 2.0 (ITS)/Vesta Street Bridge Port Access Improvements Project is now available for review here.
A public meeting for the proposed project was held on Thursday, November 2, 2023, at the San Diego College of Continuing Education, Cesar Chavez Campus, Rooms 101 and 103, 1901 Main Street, San Diego, CA 92113.
The Project is located along Interstate 5 (I-5), State Route 15 (SR-15), and Harbor Drive from Imperial Avenue in San Diego to Mile of Cars Way in National City and includes portions of connecting arterials in the cities of San Diego, National City and within Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) in San Diego County. Caltrans is the lead agency for both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Cooperating agencies for the project include the Department of the Navy (Navy); responsible agencies include San Diego Association of Governments, City of San Diego, City of National City, the San Diego Unified Port District, and San Diego Metropolitan Transportation System.
Caltrans proposes to construct improvements in the project area, including dedicated and mixed-flow truck-only lanes on Harbor Drive; intelligent transportation system (ITS) improvements on Harbor Drive, SR-15, and I-5; Vesta Street Bridge connecting the east (dry) and west (wet) sides of NBSD; on/off-ramp improvements at SR-15/Main Street and I-5/National Avenue; pavement rehabilitation; complete street improvements including upgraded bicycle and pedestrian facilities and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramps; sustainability improvements including zero-emission commercial vehicle infrastructure; ancillary improvements such as striping, landscaping, and drainage; and operational improvements of adjacent roads accessing existing NBSD gates.
All substantive are addressed in the Final Environmental Document.
Copies of the Final IS/EA are also available for review at the following locations:
- Caltrans District 11 Office, 4050 Taylor Street, San Diego, CA 92110
If you would like a hardcopy to be mailed to you, please contact Matthew Voss, Senior Environmental Planner, at Vesta.Harbor.Operational.Improvements@dot.ca.gov with the subject line: “Requesting Hardcopy of Harbor Drive 2.0/Vesta Street Bridge Port Access Improvements Project DED" or 858-289-1276.
Individuals who require special accommodation (such as American Sign Language, foreign language interpreters, accessible seating, and/or documentation in alternative formats) should contact the District 11 Public Information Office at (619) 688-6670. Telephone typewriter (TTY) users may contact the California Relay Service at (800) 735-2929 [TTY and Voice] or 711.
If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, the environmental document, and/or the environmental process, please contact Matthew Voss, Senior Environmental Planner, at (858)289-1276 or Vesta.Harbor.Operational.Improvements@dot.ca.gov.
Project Overview
The Port of San Diego’s Tenth Avenue and National City Marine Terminals are critical to San Diego’s Working Waterfront industrial area. The marine terminals and rail yards accommodate freight vessels, trains, and trucks for international and domestic trade, but they impact nearby communities, schools, and transit centers.
Purpose and Need
The purpose of this project is to:
- Develop a connected, sustainable freight corridor.
- Enhance connections and access between Port and Naval gates.
- Reduce impacts of freight on Port-side Environmental Justice Neighborhoods along the Harbor Drive Corridor.
- Improve mobility at the five-legged intersection at Norman Scott Road, 32nd Street, and Wabash Street.
Continued growth without intervention will worsen congestion on local roads and spread truck traffic onto restricted residential streets. Harbor Drive, 28th Street, and 32nd Street are the designated truck routes between the marine terminals, State Route 15, and Interstate 5.
Project Goals
The project proposes constructing a Vesta Street Bridge over Harbor Drive and railroads to connect the “wet” and “dry” sides of Naval Base San Diego. It also proposes constructing dedicated truck lanes, queue jumps, freight signal priority, and other Intelligent Transportation System technologies and installing electric charging infrastructure to support zero-emission trucks along Harbor Drive.
Project Schedule and Funding Status
Project Approval and Environmental Document Completion
Winter 2023
Project Completion
Winter 2028
Funding Sources
Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program (CBI) & Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP)
Project Cost
$131.2 million
- Carrol Canyon Support Wall and Road Repair Project
- Harbor Drive 2.0/Vesta Bridge Port Access Improvements
- I-15 Pavement Replacement
- I-5/SR 56 Interchange Project
- I-805 Governor Drive Auxiliary Lane and Bridge Improvement Project
- I-805/SR-15 Transit Only Connector and Managed Lanes Project
- I-805 South Pavement Rehabilitation and Asset Management Project
- Imperial Valley Pavement and Bridge Rehabilitation Improvements
- San Diego – Coronado Bay Bridge Suicide Deterrent Project
- SR-11 / Otay Mesa East Port of Entry
- SR-125 Pavement Rehabilitation Project
- SR-52 Pavement Improvement and Auxiliary Lane Project
- State Route 67 Corridor
- SR-78 Projects
- SR-94/125 Interchange Project
- sr52-opimprovements
- SR-94/SR-188 Asset Management Project
Project Manager:
Jose Luis Robles
Design Manager:
Annabel Valencia
4050 Taylor Street
San Diego, CA 92110
Ph: (619) 688-6670