District 10 Bicyclist Pedestrian Advisory Committee

BPA Logo

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) adopted the Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan: Toward an Active California in 2017 and the Mode Share Action Plan 2.0 in 2020, demonstrating a deep commitment to plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain walk and bike facilities across the state for people of all ages and abilities. District 10 has identified a need for regular input from diverse members representing walk and bike interests from all ages and abilities to support this work and established the D10 Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (D10 BPAC) for that purpose.


The D10 BPAC provides strategic input, technical guidance, and process improvement recommendations to support achievement of the walk and bike safety objectives and multimodal network strategies in the 2024-2028 Caltrans Strategic Plan. The committee also guides implementation of the Caltrans Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan: Toward an Active California at the District level, through the lens of the District 10 Caltrans Active Transportation (CAT) Plan. The D10 BPAC goals align with Caltrans core values: Engagement, Equity, Innovation, Integrity, and Pride.


The next District 10 Bicyclist Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) hybrid meeting will be on Wednesday January 22nd, 2025 from 12PM to 2PM.

Agenda with Webex meeting invite information

We will meet in person at the Caltrans District 10 Office main building in Room 56/71, but there will also be a virtual Webex option.

The Caltrans District 10 Office address is as follows:

Caltrans District 10 Main Building
1976 E. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Stockton, CA 95205

Parking will be available in the parking lot located along the front of the main building where the main entrance is located. Vehicle entrance and exit are located off of B St.

D10 BPAC goals

1. Solicit technical and non-technical input from internal and external stakeholders and partners to guide implementation of the Statewide Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan: Toward an Active California, the District 10 CAT Plan, and the 2020-24 Caltrans Strategic Plan.

2. Identify opportunities for equity and environmental justice, and to re-connect communities where transportation facilities have created community barriers.

3. Provide recommendations to improve the safety of walking, bicycling, and first-/last-mile transportation.

4. Provide transparency to Caltrans infrastructure projects.

5. Provide technical and community-based knowledge of facilities and programs that successfully meet the needs of people of all ages and abilities who walk, bike, and use other forms of first-/last-mile transportation, and that create conditions that enable more people to walk and bicycle often.

6. Provide input on program development, prioritization, and implementation of active transportation projects and safety measures for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other first-/last-mile travelers.


7. Propose updates to Caltrans standards and guidance related to walking, bicycling, and first-/last-mile transportation.


8. Endorse strategies that align with proposals in local regional transportation plans (RTPs) and active transportation plans (ATPs).


9. Coordinate funding strategies for maintenance of active transportation facilities.


10. Follow consistent policy on developing projects identified in the CAT Plan, the State Highway System Management Plan (SHSMP), 10-year SHOPP, District System Management Plan (DSMP), and corridor plans.


Active Transportation Links




For questions about the D10 BPAC, send an email to d10bpac@dot.ca.gov, or contact Charles Carroll, D10 BPAC Chair, at (209) 986-9831