Caltrans Continues Crosswalk Construction Work on State Route 140 Pavement Improvement Project in Downtown Mariposa


State of California • Department of Transportation


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Project Will Repair and Replace Existing Crosswalks

Mariposa – The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will continue crosswalk construction work on State Route 140 (SR-140) through downtown Mariposa this weekend as part of the SR-140 Pavement Improvement Project. The work is scheduled to resume this Thursday, December 5th, and continue through Monday, December 9, 2024, with overnight construction, and one-way traffic controls.

The construction work will take place on westbound SR-140 in Mariposa between 4th Street and 7th Street to install new embedded lighting, and stamped concrete to the roadway.

Caltrans will have westbound SR-140 closed with one-way traffic control in place on eastbound SR-140, for the safety of motorists, pedestrians, roadway workers and equipment. The construction schedule is as follows:

State Route 140

  • One-way traffic control on eastbound SR-140 from SR-49 South to 7th Street for crosswalk construction beginning Thursday, December 5, at 7:00 p.m. continuing through to Monday, December 9, 2024, at 6:00 a.m.

Roadside messaging and no parking signage will be in place along SR-140 to alert motorists of scheduled highway lane closures in addition to crosswalk closure signs that will be posted on surface streets for pedestrians.

By improving the roadway surface, this project will benefit residents and tourists traveling to and from the town of Mariposa, as well as motorists, and commercial vehicles traveling throughout Mariposa County and beyond.

The work schedule is subject to change based on traffic incidents, weather, availability of equipment and/or materials, and/or construction-related issues. For more information about transportation and other infrastructure projects funded with state and federal investments, visit and