2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Notes: 1) The purpose of this list is to show which projects being advanced by local agencies have met the eligibility requirements of the federal Highway Bridge Program and have been prioritized for funding by the Department in cooperation with local agencies for funding. 2) Please see the Local Assistance web site for the most current listings: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/hbrr99/HBP_FSTIP.html 3) Contractual funding levels are determined at time of federal authorization/obligation for given phase of work. For details see Chapter 3 of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 4) For FTIP/FSTIP purposes, Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funding constraint is managed by Caltrans. 5) Prop 1B bond funds (Local Seismic Safety Retrofit Program (LSSRP)) used for matching federal funds are also managed by Caltrans. 6) Financial constraint of LOCAL matching funds (including regional STIP funds) and LOCAL Advance Construction (AC) is the responsibility of the MPOs and their local agencies. 7) Some projects show that they are programmed using State STP funds. These funds are HBP funds transferred to the STP for bridge work that is not ordinarily eligible for HBP funds. See the HB Program Guidelines for details. Do not confuse these STP funds with Regional STP funds. 8) Corrections to this report should be addressed to the District Local Assistance Engineer: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/dlae.htm Note id: 12 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 1 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Colton BRIDGE NO. 54C0077, LA CADENA DR OVER SANTA ANA RIVER, 1.5 MI SOUTH OF I-10. Replace existing 4-lane bridge with 4-lane bridge with minor seismic funds. Fed Proj: BRLS-5065(014) Phase Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total PE 2,775,000 2,775,000 R/W 1,158,772 1,158,772 CON 23,601,228 23,601,228 Total 3,933,772 23,601,228 27,535,000 Fund Source Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 3,482,568 20,894,167 24,376,736 Local Match 451,204 2,707,061 -134,199 3,024,066 LSSRP Bond 134,199 134,199 Local AC 20,894,167 -20,894,167 Total 3,933,772 23,601,228 27,535,000 PE Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 2,456,708 2,456,708 Local Match 318,293 318,293 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 2,775,000 2,775,000 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 8/25/2011 Linda Newton: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 10/11 to 11/12. As requested by Exhibit 6D dated 07/06/2011. No cost increase to PE. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 2,456,708 318,293 8/6/2010 Linda Newton: New eligible project. Total: 2,456,708 318,293 2,775,000 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 2 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino ResponsibleAgencyTotalPrior20/2121/2222/2323/2424/2525/26Beyond R/WSummary: Fed$ LocalACLocalMatchTotal132,9111,158,772LSSRPBondTotal1,025,861132,9111,158,7721,025,861Prior20/2121/2222/2323/2424/2525/26Beyond Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 1/8/2019 Linda Newton: Corrected funding to match E-76 submitted and approved. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 11/9/2018 DLA-Admin: Fund line adjusted to match E76. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 10/10/2018 Eileen Crawford: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Funds not obligated, moved to next fiscal year. Need to have updated 6-D prior to obligating 18/19 funds. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 893,066 115,706 12/5/2019 Linda Newton: Fund line has not failed to deliver. 10/17/2018 DLA-Admin: Fund line failed to deliver. 9/11/2017 Vu Ngo: Per completed the 2017 September Survey. Total: 893,066 115,706 1,008,772 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 10/9/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 19/20. NEPA not yet clear. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 10/22/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 17/18. NEPA not yet clear. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 3 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3566 HBP R/W 132,795 -132,795 Local Match 17,205 -17,205 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/24/2014 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY Beyond to 15/16. As requested in Total: September 2014 Survey. 3566 HBP R/W -132,795 132,795 Local Match -17,205 17,205 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/24/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 14/15 to beyond. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 3566 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/25/2011 Linda Newton: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 13/14 to 14/15. As requested by Exhibit 6D dated Total: 07/06/2011. No cost increase. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3566 HBP R/W 132,795 132,795 Local Match 17,205 17,205 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/6/2010 Linda Newton: New eligible project. Total: 150,000 CON Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 20,894,167 20,894,167 Local Match 2,707,061 -134,199 2,572,862 LSSRP Bond 134,199 134,199 Local AC 20,894,167 -20,894,167 Total 23,601,228 23,601,228 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 2697 Local AC (HBP) CON -1,035,801 1,035,801 Local Match -134,199 134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/11/2022 DLA-Admin: Move CON AC from FFY 21/22 to FFY 22/23 Total: 2697 Local AC (HBP) CON -1,035,801 1,035,801 Local Match -134,199 134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/25/2021 Linda Newton: Move CON AC from FFY 20/21 to FFY 21/22. Total: 2697 Local AC (HBP) CON 1,035,801 -1,035,801 Local Match 134,199 -134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2020 DLA-Admin: Correct fund line error. AC needs local match. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 4 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 2697 Local AC (HBP) CON -1,035,801 1,035,801 LSSRP Bond -134,199 134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2020 DLA-Admin: Correct fund line error. AC needs local match. Total: 2697 HBP CON -1,035,801 1,035,801 LSSRP Bond -134,199 134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/9/2019 Linda Newton: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to Beyond. Subject to High Cost Policy. Total: 2697 Local AC (HBP) CON 1,035,801 -1,035,801 LSSRP Bond 134,199 -134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/9/2019 Linda Newton: Add AC to CON in FFY 20/21, Subject to High Cost Policy. Total: 2697 HBP CON 1,035,801 -1,035,801 LSSRP Bond 134,199 -134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/8/2019 Vu Ngo: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 20/21. Total: 2697 HBP CON -1,035,801 1,035,801 LSSRP Bond -134,199 134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/19/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to Beyond. Subject to High Cost Policy: Total: Needs funding agreement. 2697 HBP CON 1,035,801 -1,035,801 LSSRP Bond 134,199 -134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/2/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 20/21. As requested in Total: September 2018 Survey. 2697 HBP CON -1,035,801 1,035,801 LSSRP Bond -134,199 134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/14/2017 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to Beyond. Subject to High Cost Policy: Total: Needs funding agreement. 2697 HBP CON 1,035,801 -1,035,801 LSSRP Bond 134,199 -134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/28/2017 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 18/19. As requested in Total: September 2017 Survey. 2697 HBP CON -1,035,801 1,035,801 LSSRP Bond -134,199 134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/21/2014 Linda Newton: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to Beyond. Construction is over $20 Total: million. Cash management candidate as requested by HBP Advisory Committee. Push funding into "Beyond" until high cost project policy is set. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 5 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 2697 HBP CON 1,035,801 -1,035,801 LSSRP Bond 134,199 -134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/24/2014 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 15/16. As requested in Total: September 2014 Survey. 2697 HBP CON -1,035,801 1,035,801 LSSRP Bond -134,199 134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/6/2010 Linda Newton: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 11/12 to Beyond. As requested by Exhibit 6A Total: dated 02/10/2010. Combine with HBP Bridge Replacement project. 2697 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/15/2009 Reza Fereshtehnejad: CON funds moved from FFY 8/9 to 11/12. As requested in October 2009 Survey. 5/10/2013 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2697 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/15/2008 Shannon Mlcoch: CON funds moved from FFY 2009/10 to 2008/9. Schedule change per LA ODIS data. 8/22/2011 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2008/9-13/14 to 2010/11-15/16. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2697 HBP CON 1,035,801 1,035,801 LSSRP Bond 134,199 134,199 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 1,170,000 3566 Local AC (HBP) CON -19,858,366 19,858,366 Local Match -2,572,862 2,572,862 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/11/2022 DLA-Admin: Move CON AC from FFY 21/22 to 22/23 Total: 3566 Local AC (HBP) CON -19,858,366 19,858,366 Local Match -2,572,862 2,572,862 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/25/2021 Linda Newton: Move CON AC from FFY 20/21 to FFY 21/22. Total: 3566 HBP CON -19,858,366 19,858,366 Local Match -2,572,862 2,572,862 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/9/2019 Linda Newton: Push CON from FFY 20/21 to Beyond. Not ready to ad within 6 month. Project subject to High Cost Policy. Total: 3566 Local AC (HBP) CON 19,858,366 -19,858,366 Local Match 2,572,862 -2,572,862 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/9/2019 Linda Newton: Add AC to CON in FFY 20/21. Not ready to ad within 6 month. Project subject to High Cost Policy. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 6 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 19,858,366 2,572,862 10/8/2019 Vu Ngo: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 20/21. -19,858,366 -2,572,862 Total: 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON -19,858,366 -2,572,862 10/19/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to Beyond. Subject to High Cost Policy: Needs funding agreement. 19,858,366 2,572,862 Total: 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 19,858,366 2,572,862 10/2/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 20/21. As requested in September 2018 Survey. -19,858,366 -2,572,862 Total: 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON -19,858,366 -2,572,862 10/14/2017 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to Beyond. Subject to High Cost Policy: Needs funding agreement. 19,858,366 2,572,862 Total: 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 19,858,366 2,572,862 9/28/2017 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 18/19. As requested in September 2017 Survey. -20,751,432 -2,688,568 Total: -893,066 -115,706 -1,008,772 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON -20,751,432 20,751,432 -2,688,568 2,688,568 10/21/2014 Linda Newton: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to Beyond. Construction is over $20 Total: million. Cash management candidate as requested by HBP Advisory Committee. Push funding into "Beyond" until high cost project policy is set. 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 20,751,432 2,688,568 9/24/2014 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 15/16. As requested in September 2014 Survey. -20,751,432 -2,688,568 Total: 3566 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 8/6/2010 Linda Newton: New eligible project. 20,751,432 2,688,568 Total: 20,751,432 2,688,568 23,440,000 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 7 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Colton BRIDGE NO. 54C0101, MT VERNON AVE OVER UP RR & AMTRAK, 0.1 MI S/O I-10. Bridge Rehabilitation, widen from two lanes to four lanes with shoulders and sidewalk (Mixed funding with LSSRP) (Capacity increasing must be in RTP). Fed Proj: HPLUL-5065(023) Phase Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total PE 1,300,000 1,300,000 R/W 150,000 329,096 479,096 CON 14,499,866 14,499,866 Total 1,450,000 14,499,866 329,096 16,278,962 Fund Source Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 1,283,685 291,349 12,836,731 14,411,765 Local Match 166,315 1,663,135 37,747 -19,384 1,847,813 LSSRP Bond 19,384 19,384 Local AC 12,836,731 -12,836,731 Total 1,450,000 14,499,866 329,096 16,278,962 PE Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 1,150,890 1,150,890 Local Match 149,110 149,110 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 1,300,000 1,300,000 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 2706 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 39,839 5,162 10/14/2010 Eric Tang: $45,000.00 of PE funds is required by 2010 bridge survey. Total: 39,839 5,162 45,000 3829 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 6/27/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: Please edit this note to explain the reason for change. This information is made available to the public. Check the priority flags if this is wrong: Not ready to ad within 6 months Total: 3829 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 1,111,052 143,949 7/25/2011 Linda Newton: New eligible project. Total: 1,111,052 143,949 1,255,000 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 8 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino ResponsibleAgencyTotalPrior20/2121/2222/2323/2424/2525/26Beyond R/WSummary: Fed$ LocalACLocalMatchTotal17,205150,000LSSRPBondTotal291,349424,14437,74754,952329,096479,096132,795Prior20/2121/2222/2323/2424/2525/26Beyond Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3829 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -291,349 291,349 -37,747 37,747 10/25/2021 DLA-Admin: RW funds moved from FFY 21/22 to 23/24. LAPG 6D required for cost increase. Total: 3829 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -291,349 291,349 -37,747 37,747 1/6/2021 Andy Chou: RW funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 21/22 due to delivery failure. Total: 3829 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 291,349 37,747 1/6/2021 Andy Chou: Fund line failed to deliver. 10/8/2019 Vu Ngo: Per 2019 Survey. Total: 291,349 37,747 329,096 3829 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 9/26/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 18/19. As requested in September 2018 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3829 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 3/20/2018 Linda Newton: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 19/20. NEPA not yet clear. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3829 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 9/14/2017 Vu Ngo: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 17/18. As requested in September 2017 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 9 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3829 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/9/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 19/20. NEPA not yet clear. 7/27/2021 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3829 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/23/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 16/17. As requested in Total: September 2016 Survey. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3829 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/22/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 17/18. NEPA not yet clear. 8/25/2019 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3829 HBP R/W 132,795 -132,795 Local Match 17,205 -17,205 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/24/2014 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY Beyond to 15/16. As requested in Total: September 2014 Survey. 3829 HBP R/W 132,795 132,795 Local Match 17,205 17,205 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 7/25/2011 Linda Newton: New eligible project. Total: 150,000 CON Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 12,836,731 12,836,731 Local Match 1,663,135 -19,384 1,643,750 LSSRP Bond 19,384 19,384 Local AC 12,836,731 -12,836,731 Total 14,499,866 14,499,866 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 2706 Local AC (HBP) CON -149,616 149,616 Local Match -19,384 19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/11/2022 DLA-Admin: Move CON AC from FFY 21/22 to FFY 22/23 Total: 2706 Local AC (HBP) CON -149,616 149,616 Local Match -19,384 19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/25/2021 DLA-Admin: Move CON AC from FFY 20/21 to FFY 21/22. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 10 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 2706 Local AC (HBP) CON 149,616 -149,616 Local Match 19,384 -19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/9/2019 Jeremy Wright: Not ready to ad within 6 months. Added AC in FFY 20/21 with conversion in beyond Total: 2706 HBP CON -149,616 149,616 LSSRP Bond -19,384 19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 21/22 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: 2706 HBP CON -149,616 149,616 LSSRP Bond -19,384 19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to 21/22. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: 2706 HBP CON -149,616 149,616 LSSRP Bond -19,384 19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 20/21. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: 2706 HBP CON 149,616 -149,616 LSSRP Bond 19,384 -19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/4/2019 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. 9/26/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 19/20. As requested in September 2018 Survey. Total: 2706 HBP CON -149,616 149,616 LSSRP Bond -19,384 19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/4/2019 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: 2706 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 2706 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 11 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 2706 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/23/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 17/18. As requested in September 2016 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 2706 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 2706 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 2706 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 2706 HBP CON 149,616 -149,616 LSSRP Bond 19,384 -19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/23/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 16/17. As requested in September 2015 Survey. Total: 2706 HBP CON -149,616 149,616 LSSRP Bond -19,384 19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: 2706 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 16/17. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 2706 HBP CON 149,616 -149,616 LSSRP Bond 19,384 -19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/24/2014 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 15/16. As requested in September 2014 Survey. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 12 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 2706 HBP CON -149,616 149,616 LSSRP Bond -19,384 19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/15/2011 Eric Bost: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 12/13 to Beyond. Needed to synch funds per L. Total: Newton’s fund line dated 7/25/2011. 2706 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/5/2010 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 11/12 to 12/13. Action taken to financially constrain Total: the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2706 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/15/2009 Wesley Zinke: CON funds moved from FFY 8/9 to 11/12. As requested in October 2009 Survey. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Total: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2706 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/4/2019 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/15/2008 Shannon Mlcoch: CON funds moved from FFY 2009/10 to 2008/9. Schedule change per LA ODIS data. 8/22/2011 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2008/9-13/14 to 2010/11-15/16. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2706 HBP CON 149,616 149,616 LSSRP Bond 19,384 19,384 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 169,000 3829 Local AC (HBP) CON -12,687,116 12,687,116 Local Match -1,643,750 1,643,750 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/11/2022 DLA-Admin: Move CON AC from FFY 21/22 to FFY 22/23 Total: 3829 Local AC (HBP) CON -12,687,116 12,687,116 Local Match -1,643,750 1,643,750 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/25/2021DLA-Admin: Move CON AC from FFY 20/21 to FFY 21/22. Total: 3829 Local AC (HBP) CON 12,687,116 -12,687,116 Local Match 1,643,750 -1,643,750 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/9/2019 Jeremy Wright: Not ready to ad within 6 months. Added AC in FFY 20/21 with conversion in the beyond Total: 3829 HBP CON 6,119,075 6,119,075 Local Match 792,791 792,791 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/9/2019 Jeremy Wright: Funds added per the September 2019 survey Total: 6,911,866 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 13 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3829 HBP CON -6,568,041 6,568,041 Local Match -850,959 850,959 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 21/22 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 3829 HBP CON -6,568,041 6,568,041 Local Match -850,959 850,959 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to 21/22. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 3829 HBP CON -6,568,041 6,568,041 Local Match -850,959 850,959 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 20/21. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 3829 HBP CON 6,568,041 -6,568,041 Local Match 850,959 -850,959 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/26/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 19/20. As requested in Total: September 2018 Survey. 3829 HBP CON -6,568,041 6,568,041 Local Match -850,959 850,959 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 3829 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3829 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3829 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/23/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 17/18. As requested in Total: September 2016 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3829 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 14 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3829 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3829 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3829 HBP CON 6,568,041 -6,568,041 Local Match 850,959 -850,959 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/23/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 16/17. As requested in September 2015 Survey. Total: 3829 HBP CON -6,568,041 6,568,041 Local Match -850,959 850,959 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: 3829 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 16/17. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3829 HBP CON 6,568,041 -6,568,041 Local Match 850,959 -850,959 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/24/2014 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 15/16. As requested in September 2014 Survey. Total: 3829 HBP CON 6,568,041 6,568,041 Local Match 850,959 850,959 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 7/25/2011 Linda Newton: New eligible project. Total: 7,419,000 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 15 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Highland BRIDGE NO. 54C0035 (previously shown as 00L0028), BASELINE, OVER CITY CREEK. Replace 4 lane bridge with 4 lane bridge. SCAG Project id 200019. High Cost project agreement required for this project. Fed Proj: BRLS-5449(032) Phase Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total PE 3,443,000 3,443,000 R/W 62,645 4,042,505 4,105,150 CON 31,228,000 31,228,000 Total 3,505,645 4,042,505 31,228,000 38,776,150 Fund Source Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 3,103,548 3,578,830 27,646,148 34,328,526 Local Match 402,097 463,675 3,581,852 4,447,624 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 3,505,645 4,042,505 31,228,000 38,776,150 PE Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 3,048,088 3,048,088 Local Match 394,912 394,912 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 3,443,000 3,443,000 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3225 HBP PE 1,221,006 1,221,006 Local Match 158,194 158,194 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/25/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: Based on the Survey 2018, a cost increase will be required due to increase in cost of PA&ED amd PS&E.. Total: 1,379,200 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/9/2018 Linda Newton: Move PE funds out until ready for authorization. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle Total: migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE 289,681 289,681 Local Match 37,531 37,531 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/4/2017 Vu Ngo: Per 2017 September Survey (Revised). Total: 327,212 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 16 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/2/2017 Vu Ngo: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed Total: out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/11/2017 Vu Ngo: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 17/18. As requested in September 2017 Total: Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE -289,681 -289,681 Local Match -37,531 -37,531 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/1/2017 Reza Fereshtehnejad: requested funds came in lower than programmed funds. Total: -327,212 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/18/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. NEPA not yet clear. 7/27/2021 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/6/2016 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19 as requested in September 2016 Total: HBP Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/6/2016 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 16/17 as requested in September 2016 Total: HBP Survey. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/17/2016 Sylvester Lin: Funding for NEPA clearance only. Final design funding is moving to FFY 17/18. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Total: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/26/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 14/15 to 15/16. Action taken to financially constrain Total: the FTIP (PUSH). 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 17 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/13/2014 Wesley Zinke: Revised PE funding as requested in September 2014 Survey. Combined additional PE funds into one FFY. Total: 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/14/2014 Linda Newton: Advance $600k iinot 13/14 for authorization. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle Total: migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/1/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 13/14 to 16/17. NEPA not yet clear. 8/25/2019 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/3/2013 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 12/13 to 13/14. As requested by Local Agency in Total: September 2013 HBP survey. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/12/2011 Linda Newton: Update funding per 2011 Survey. 10/13/2011 EBost: Moved final design funds to 12/13 consistent with target Total: NEPA clearance in survey. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP PE 531,180 531,180 Local Match 68,820 68,820 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/15/2009 Chris Igbinedion: 2009 HBP Survey Total: 600,000 3225 HBP PE 764,722 764,722 Local Match 99,078 99,078 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/19/2008 Eric Bost: FFY 6/7 funds still not obligated. Move funds to FFY 8/9 Total: 863,800 3225 HBP PE -708,240 -708,240 Local Match -91,760 -91,760 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% prior funds were not obligated in prior year. 6/7 funds also were not obligated. Total: -800,000 3225 HBP PE 1,239,420 1,239,420 Local Match 160,580 160,580 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 1,400,000 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 18 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino ResponsibleAgencyTotalPrior20/2121/2222/2323/2424/2525/26Beyond R/WSummary: Fed$ LocalACLocalMatchTotal7,18562,645LSSRPBondTotal3,578,8303,634,289463,675470,8614,042,5054,105,15055,460Prior20/2121/2222/2323/2424/2525/26Beyond Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3225 Local AC (HBP) Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -3,578,830 3,578,830 -463,675 463,675 10/20/2020 DLA-Admin: Remove AC from phase. AC never authorized. Total: 3225 Local AC (HBP) Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 480,280 -480,280 62,225 -62,225 2/4/2020 DLA-Admin: Updated funding to correct error in programming to match 6D (2019-04-11). Total: 3225 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -480,240 480,280 -62,220 62,225 2/17/2020 Linda Newton: Update funding to match RFA. 2/4/2020 DLA-Admin: Updated funding to correct error in programming to match 6D (2019-04-11). Total: 40 5 45 3225 Local AC (HBP) Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 3,098,550 401,450 11/1/2019 DLA-Admin: Add AC to RW. -3,098,550 -401,450 Total: 3225 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -1,770,600 -1,327,950 3,098,550 -229,400 -172,050 401,450 10/28/2019 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. Move FFY 20/21 RW to FFY 21/22. Total: 3225 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 2,306,299 1,327,950 298,806 172,050 10/8/2019 Vu Ngo:Per 2019 Survey -535,739 -69,411 -3,098,550 -401,450 Total: -40 -5 -45 3225 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -3,098,550 3,098,550 -401,450 401,450 3/20/2019 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 21/22. NEPA not yet clear. Action taken to Total: financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 3225 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -3,634,289 3,634,289 -470,861 470,861 10/19/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 21/22. NEPA not yet clear. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 19 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3225 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/25/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 18/19. As requested in September Total: 2018 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/14/2017 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 19/20. NEPA not yet clear. 7/27/2021 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/11/2017 Vu Ngo: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 17/18. As requested in September 2017 Total: Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/9/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. NEPA not yet clear. 7/27/2021 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/6/2016 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19 as requested in September 2016 Total: HBP Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/23/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. NEPA not yet clear. 8/25/2019 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP R/W 3,191,639 3,191,639 Local Match 413,511 413,511 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/13/2014 Wesley Zinke: Revised R/W funding as requested in September 2014 Survey. Total: 3,605,150 3225 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/1/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 16/17. NEPA not yet clear. 8/25/2019 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 20 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3225 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 2/27/2013 Linda Newton: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 13/14 to 15/16. As requested by Exhibit 6A dated Total: 07/23/2012. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP R/W -531,180 -531,180 Local Match -68,820 -68,820 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/19/2012 Linda Newton: Revised as requested in September 2012 survey. Total: -600,000 3225 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/12/2011 Linda Newton: Revised per 2011 Survey. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: Total: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3225 HBP R/W 177,060 177,060 Local Match 22,940 22,940 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/19/2008 Eric Bost: Schedule slippage per Exhibit 6D and inflation. Total: 200,000 3225 HBP R/W 796,770 796,770 Local Match 103,230 103,230 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 900,000 CON Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 27,646,148 27,646,148 Local Match 3,581,852 3,581,852 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 31,228,000 31,228,000 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3225 HBP CON -27,646,148 27,646,148 Local Match -3,581,852 3,581,852 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/20/2022 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 23/24 to Beyond. Subject to High Cost Policy: Total: Needs funding agreement. 3225 HBP CON 27,646,148 -27,646,148 Local Match 3,581,852 -3,581,852 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/26/2022 Enrique Gonzalez: CON phase move funds from Beyond years to FFY 23/24. Due to the Annual Status submittal August 2022. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 21 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3225 Local AC (HBP) CON -27,646,148 27,646,148 Local Match -3,581,852 3,581,852 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/20/2020 DLA-Admin: Project not ready for CON in FFY 20/21, remove AC from phase. Total: 3225 Local AC (HBP) CON 27,646,148 -27,646,148 Local Match 3,581,852 -3,581,852 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/9/2019 Linda Newton: Add AC to CON in FFY 20/21 for high cost phase. Subject to High Cost Policy. Total: 3225 HBP CON -27,646,148 27,646,148 Local Match -3,581,852 3,581,852 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/9/2019 Linda Newton: Not ready to ad within6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to Beyond. Subject to High Cost Policy. Total: 3225 HBP CON 27,646,148 -27,646,148 Local Match 3,581,852 -3,581,852 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/8/2019 Vu Ngo: Per 2019 Survey Total: 3225 HBP CON -27,646,148 27,646,148 Local Match -3,581,852 3,581,852 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/19/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to Beyond. Subject to High Cost Policy: Total: Needs funding agreement. 3225 HBP CON 12,914,027 12,914,027 Local Match 1,673,149 1,673,149 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/25/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: Based 2018 HBP Survey.. Total: 14,587,176 3225 HBP CON 14,732,121 -14,732,121 Local Match 1,908,703 -1,908,703 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/25/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 19/20. As requested in Total: September 2018 Survey. 3225 HBP CON -14,732,121 14,732,121 Local Match -1,908,703 1,908,703 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/29/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 21/22 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 3225 HBP CON -14,732,121 14,732,121 Local Match -1,908,703 1,908,703 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2017 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to 21/22. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 3225 HBP CON 14,732,121 -14,732,121 Local Match 1,908,703 -1,908,703 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/11/2017 Vu Ngo: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 20/21. As requested in September 2017 Total: Survey. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 22 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3225 HBP CON -14,732,121 14,732,121 Local Match -1,908,703 1,908,703 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/28/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: 3225 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3225 HBP CON 14,732,121 -14,732,121 Local Match 1,908,703 -1,908,703 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/2/2015 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to Advertise within 6 months. CON funds has moved from Beyond to FFY 18/19 as requested in September 2015 HBP Survey. Total: 3225 HBP CON -14,732,121 14,732,121 Local Match -1,908,703 1,908,703 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: 3225 HBP CON 14,732,121 -17,923,761 -3,191,639 Local Match 1,908,703 -2,322,213 -413,511 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/13/2014 Wesley Zinke: Revised CON funding as requested in September 2014 Survey. Combine CON funds into one FFY. Total: -3,605,150 3225 Local AC (HBP) CON -17,923,761 17,923,761 Local Match -2,322,213 2,322,213 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2013 Linda Newton: Project requires a high cost agreement to be signed. Removed AC from CON. CON funds to remain in beyond per the High Cost Project policy. Total: 3225 Local AC (HBP) CON 17,923,761 -17,923,761 Local Match 2,322,213 -2,322,213 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/7/2013 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds to remain in beyond until a High Cost project agreement is signed. Total: 3225 Local AC (HBP) CON 531,157 531,157 Local Match 68,817 68,817 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 2/27/2013 Linda Newton: Construction moved to beyond based upon revised Exhibit 6-A dated July 23, 2012. Total: 599,974 3225 Local AC (HBP) CON 17,392,604 17,392,604 Local Match 2,253,396 2,253,396 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 2/27/2013 Linda Newton: Construction moved to beyond based upon revised Exhibit 6-A dated July 23, 2012. Total: 19,646,000 3225 Local AC (HBP) CON -17,923,761 -17,923,761 Local Match -2,322,213 -2,322,213 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 2/27/2013 Linda Newton: Construction moved to beyond based upon revised Exhibit 6-A dated July 23, 2012. Total: -20,245,974 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 23 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3225 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 9/19/2012 Linda Newton: AC conversion to remain in beyond until a high cost project agreement is signed. 531,157 68,817 Total: 531,157 68,817 599,974 3225 Local AC (HBP) CON 531,157 Local Match 68,817 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/19/2012 Linda Newton: Revised funding as requested in September 2012 Survey. -531,157 -68,817 Total: 3225 Local AC (HBP) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/19/2012 Linda Newton: Revised funding to match PS&E complete as shown in September 2012 Survey. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3225 Local AC (HBP) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/12/2011 Linda Newton: Updated per 2011 Survey 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3225 Local AC (HBP) CON 17,392,604 -17,392,604 Local Match 2,253,396 -2,253,396 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/8/2010 Eric Bost: Use AC for FFY 12/13. Total: 10/4/2010 Eric Tang: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 12/13. As requested in September 2010 Survey. 3225 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON -17,392,604 -2,253,396 10/30/2009 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 13/14 to Beyond. 17,392,604 2,253,396 Total: 3225 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 10/30/2009 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 12/13 to 13/14. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3225 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 10/30/2009 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 11/12 to 12/13. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 3225 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 17,392,604 2,253,396 11/19/2008 Eric Bost: Cost increase per Exhibit 6D due to inflation. -18,042,414 -2,337,586 Total: -649,810 -84,190 -734,000 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 24 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3225 HBP CON -18,042,414 18,042,414 Local Match -2,337,586 2,337,586 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 12/18/2007 DLA-Admin: CON funds moved from FFY 2010/11 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). HBP project is not ready to advertise. Total: 3225 HBP CON 18,042,414 18,042,414 Local Match 2,337,586 2,337,586 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 20,380,000 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 25 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Highland BRIDGE NO. 54C0592, ORANGE ST OVER PLUNGE CREEK OVERFLOW, 1.5 MI N OF PIONEER AVE. Replace existing two lane bridge with four lane bridge. Fed Proj: BRLSN-5449(034) Phase Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total PE 529,300 200,000 539,670 1,268,970 R/W 1,136,600 1,136,600 CON 8,124,229 8,124,229 Total 529,300 200,000 1,676,270 8,124,229 10,529,799 Fund Source Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 468,589 177,060 1,484,002 7,192,380 9,322,031 Local Match 60,711 22,940 192,268 931,849 1,207,768 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 529,300 200,000 1,676,270 8,124,229 10,529,799 PE Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 468,589 177,060 477,770 1,123,419 Local Match 60,711 22,940 61,900 145,551 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 529,300 200,000 539,670 1,268,970 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE -477,770 477,770 -61,900 61,900 3/15/2023 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 23/24 to 25/26. NEPA not yet clear. Total: New! 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 477,770 -477,770 61,900 -61,900 8/26/2022 Enrique Gonzalez: PE funds moved from FFY 24/25 to 23/24. Do to annual submittal August 2022. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE -477,770 477,770 -61,900 61,900 10/28/2021 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 23/24 to 24/25. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 26 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 177,060 22,940 10/25/2021 DLA-Admin: Revised PE funds to provide funds to clear NEPA. -177,060 -22,940 Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE -654,830 654,830 -84,840 84,840 10/18/2021 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 21/22 to 23/24. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE -654,830 654,830 -84,840 84,840 10/28/2019 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 21/22. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 492,314 63,785 10/8/2019 Vu Ngo: Per 2019 Survey. -654,830 -84,840 Total: -162,515 -21,056 -183,571 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE -654,830 654,830 -84,840 84,840 3/13/2019 Linda Newton: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 21/22. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 654,830 84,840 12/5/2019 Linda Newton: Fund line failed to deliver. 9/27/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: Based on the cities HBP September Survey 2018. Total: 654,830 84,840 739,670 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 162,515 21,056 12/5/2019 Linda Newton: Fund line has not failed to deliver. 10/19/2018 DLA-Admin: Fund line failed to deliver. 9/11/2017 Vu Ngo: Per 2017 September Survey. Total: 162,515 21,056 183,571 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 10/13/2014 Wesley Zinke: Revised PE funding as requested in September 2014 Survey. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 468,589 60,711 2/26/2013 Linda Newton: New eligible project. Total: 468,589 60,711 529,300 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 27 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino ResponsibleAgencyTotalPrior20/2121/2222/2323/2424/2525/26Beyond R/WSummary: Fed$ LocalACLocalMatchTotalLSSRPBondTotal1,006,2321,006,232130,368130,3681,136,6001,136,600Prior20/2121/2222/2323/2424/2525/26Beyond Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -1,006,232 1,006,232 -130,368 130,368 3/15/2023 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 23/24 to 25/26. NEPA not yet clear. Total: New! 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -1,006,232 1,006,232 -130,368 130,368 10/24/2021 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 22/23 to 23/24. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -1,006,232 1,006,232 -130,368 130,368 10/7/2021 Karen Nguyen: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 21/22 to 22/23. As requested in September 2021 Status. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 1,006,232 130,368 9/18/2020 Karen Nguyen: Per Sept. 2020 Bridge Survey -1,006,232 -130,368 Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -1,006,232 1,006,232 -130,368 130,368 10/23/2019 Bobby Zezoff: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 20/21 to 21/22. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 1,006,232 130,368 10/8/2019 Vu Ngo: Per 2019 Survey -1,006,232 -130,368 Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -1,006,232 1,006,232 -130,368 130,368 10/19/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 21/22. NEPA not yet clear. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 28 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 10/14/2017 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. NEPA not yet clear. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 9/11/2017 Vu Ngo: Per 2017 September Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 10/9/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. NEPA not yet clear. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 10/6/2016 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19 as requested in September 2016 HBP Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 10/23/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 17/18. NEPA not yet clear. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 4058 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 1,006,232 130,368 2/26/2013 Linda Newton: New eligible project. Total: 1,006,232 130,368 1,136,600 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 29 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino ResponsibleAgencyTotalPrior20/2121/2222/2323/2424/2525/26Beyond CONSummary: Fed$ LocalACLocalMatchTotalLSSRPBondTotal7,192,380931,8498,124,2297,192,380931,8498,124,229Prior20/2121/2222/2323/2424/2525/26Beyond Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4058 HBP CON -7,192,380 7,192,380 Local Match -931,849 931,849 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/24/2022 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 25/26 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 4058 HBP CON 2,624,383 -2,624,383 Local Match 340,017 -340,017 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/26/2022 Enrique Gonzalez: Con phase move funds from beyond years to FFY 25/26. Do to the annual submittal August 2022. Total: 4058 HBP CON 4,567,997 -4,567,997 Local Match 591,832 -591,832 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/26/2022 Enrique Gonzalez: Con phase moved from Beyond years to FFY 25/26. Do to Annual submittal August 2022. Total: 4058 HBP CON 4,567,997 4,567,997 Local Match 591,832 591,832 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/27/2018 Enrique Gonzalez: As demonstrated on HBP 2018 September Survey. Total: 5,159,829 4058 HBP CON -2,624,383 2,624,383 Local Match -340,017 340,017 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2017 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 21/22 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 4058 HBP CON -2,624,383 2,624,383 Local Match -340,017 340,017 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2017 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to 21/22. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 4058 HBP CON 2,624,383 -2,624,383 Local Match 340,017 -340,017 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/11/2017 Vu Ngo: Per 2017 September Survey. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 30 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4058 HBP CON -2,624,383 2,624,383 Local Match -340,017 340,017 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: 4058 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 4058 HBP CON 2,624,383 -2,624,383 Local Match 340,017 -340,017 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/2/2015 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to Advertise within 6 months. CON funds has moved from Beyond to FFY 18/19 as requested in September 2015 HBP Survey. Total: 4058 HBP CON -2,624,383 2,624,383 Local Match -340,017 340,017 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: 4058 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 4058 HBP CON 2,624,383 -2,624,383 Local Match 340,017 -340,017 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/7/2013 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 16/17. As requested by Local Agency in September 2013 HBP survey. Total: 4058 HBP CON 2,624,383 2,624,383 Local Match 340,017 340,017 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 2/26/2013 Linda Newton: New eligible project. Total: 2,964,400 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 31 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Montclair BRIDGE NO. 54C0112, CENTRAL AVE OVER UP RR AMTRAK METROLINK, 0.2 MI S HOLT AVENUE. Bridge rehabilitate. Rehabilitate existing four lane bridge with six lane bridge with sidewalks. Project must appear in 20 year RTP. Other Federal Funds must be programmed in the FTIP. Scope not clear. Fed Proj: BRLS-5326(018) Phase Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total PE 150,000 619,368 769,368 R/W 546,000 546,000 CON 11,380,770 11,380,770 Total 150,000 1,165,368 11,380,770 12,696,138 Fund Source Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 132,795 1,031,700 10,075,396 11,239,891 Local Match 17,205 133,668 1,305,374 1,456,247 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 150,000 1,165,368 11,380,770 12,696,138 PE Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 132,795 548,326 681,121 Local Match 17,205 71,042 88,247 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 150,000 619,368 769,368 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE -548,326 548,326 -71,042 71,042 3/15/2023 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 23/24 to 25/26. NEPA not yet clear. Total: New! 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE -548,326 548,326 -71,042 71,042 10/10/2022 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 22/23 to 23/24. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 548,326 -548,326 71,042 -71,042 8/26/2022 Enrique Gonzalez: PE funds move from FFY 24/25 to 22/23. Do to Annual status August 2022. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 32 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4105 HBP PE -548,326 548,326 Local Match -71,042 71,042 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2021 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 23/24 to 24/25. Action taken to financially constrain Total: the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 4105 HBP PE -398,385 -398,385 Local Match -51,615 -51,615 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/19/2021 DLA-Admin: Revise PE funds in Prior to match RFAs to date. Total: -450,000 4105 HBP PE -548,326 548,326 Local Match -71,042 71,042 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/19/2021 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 21/22 to 23/24. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 4105 HBP PE 548,326 -548,326 Local Match 71,042 -71,042 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2019 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funding moved from beyond to FFY 21/22. NEPA not clear. Total: 4105 HBP PE -548,326 548,326 Local Match -71,042 71,042 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/17/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 17/18 to Beyond. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 4105 HBP PE -87,850 -87,850 Local Match -11,382 -11,382 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 7/21/2016 Linda Newton: Revise funding to match revised Ex. 6A dated 6/7/2016 for rehabilitation project. Total: -99,232 4105 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/5/2016 Sylvester Lin: Revised PE funds to match programmed amount in the FTIP and per local agency requested. 8/25/2019 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 4105 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/22/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. NEPA not yet clear. 8/25/2019 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 4105 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/1/2015 Sylvester Lin: PE funds moved from Prior to FFY 15/16 as requested in September 2015 HBP Survey and City will submitted Total: Exhibit 6-D to justify. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 33 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 10/1/2015 Sylvester Lin: PE funds moved from FFY 15/16 to FFY 16/17 as requested in September 2015 HBP Survey and City will submitted Exhibit 6-D to justify. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 1,167,357 151,243 5/24/2013 Linda Newton: New eligible project. Total: 1,167,357 151,243 1,318,600 R/W Summary: Fed $ Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 483,374 Beyond Total 483,374 Local Match 62,626 62,626 LSSRP Bond Local AC Phase Funding Details: Total 546,000 546,000 Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -483,374 483,374 -62,626 62,626 3/15/2023 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 23/24 to 25/26. NEPA not yet clear. Total: New! 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -483,374 483,374 -62,626 62,626 10/10/2022 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 22/23 to 23/24. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 483,374 -483,374 62,626 -62,626 8/26/2022 Enrique Gonzalez: R/W funds move from FFFY 23/24 to 22/23. Do to the Annual Submittal of August 2022. Total: 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -483,374 483,374 -62,626 62,626 10/24/2021 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 22/23 to 23/24. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W -483,374 483,374 -62,626 62,626 11/1/2019 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funding moved from FFY 21/22 to 22/23. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 34 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4105 HBP R/W -483,374 483,374 Local Match -62,626 62,626 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/19/2018 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 21/22. NEPA not yet clear. Total: 4105 HBP R/W 483,374 483,374 Local Match 62,626 62,626 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 7/21/2016 Linda Newton: Add RW phase funding to match revised Ex. 6A dated 6/7/2016 for rehabilitation project. Total: 546,000 CON Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 10,075,396 10,075,396 Local Match 1,305,374 1,305,374 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 11,380,770 11,380,770 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4105 HBP CON -10,075,396 10,075,396 Local Match -1,305,374 1,305,374 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/24/2022 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 25/26 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 4105 HBP CON -10,075,396 10,075,396 Local Match -1,305,374 1,305,374 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/24/2022 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 24/25 to 25/26. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 4105 HBP CON -10,075,396 10,075,396 Local Match -1,305,374 1,305,374 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/24/2022 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 23/24 to 24/25. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 4105 HBP CON 10,075,396 -10,075,396 Local Match 1,305,374 -1,305,374 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/26/2022 Enrique Gonzalez: Con move funds from Beyond years to 23/24 FFY. Do to the Annual Submittal of August 2022. Total: 4105 Local AC (HBP) CON -10,075,396 10,075,396 Local Match -1,305,374 1,305,374 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/20/2020 DLA-Admin: Remove AC from CON phase. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 35 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4105 Local AC (HBP) Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 10,075,396 1,305,374 10/29/2019 DLA-Admin: Add AC in FFY 21/22 to CON. -10,075,396 -1,305,374 Total: 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 7/21/2016 Linda Newton: Revised funding to match revised Ex. 6A dated 6/7/2016 for rehabilitation proejct. -3,954,839 -512,391 Total: -3,954,839 -512,391 -4,467,230 4105 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 5/24/2013 Linda Newton: New eligible project. 14,030,234 1,817,766 Total: 14,030,234 1,817,766 15,848,000 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 36 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total San Bernardino Associated Governments BRIDGE NO. 54C0066, MT VERNON AVE OVER BNSF RY AMTRAK UP RR 3RD, .2 MI S OF RTE 66. Replace 4 lane bridge with 4 lane bridge. Minor seismic funding contribution. High cost project agreement required. Other Federal Funds (HIP) programmed on the project must be programmed in the FTIP. Fed Proj: BRLS-6507(003) Phase Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total PE 12,553,814 1,216,338 13,770,152 R/W 66,297,270 66,297,270 CON 92,058,878 -1 92,058,877 Total 170,909,962 1,216,338 -1 172,126,299 Fund Source Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 6,156,212 22,062,442 41,076,824 40,000,000 40,000,000 3,087,935 152,383,413 Local Match 19,603,373 -1,695,676 -1,617,480 -0 16,290,216 LSSRP Bond 1,835,190 1,617,480 3,452,670 Local AC 145,150,378 -22,062,442 -40,000,000 -40,000,000 -40,000,000 -3,087,935 -1 Total 170,909,962 1,216,338 -1 172,126,299 PE Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 6,156,212 4,957,680 1,076,824 12,190,716 Local Match 1,439,922 139,514 1,579,436 LSSRP Bond Local AC 4,957,680 -4,957,680 Total 12,553,814 1,216,338 13,770,152 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4392 HBP PE 1,076,824 1,076,824 Local Match 139,514 139,514 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/3/2021 Linda Newton: Add additional funding to PE for project costs. Total: 1,216,338 4392 Local AC (HBP) PE 4,957,680 -4,957,680 Local Match 642,320 -642,320 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/28/2020 Linda Newton: AC added in FFY 19/20 for the PE Augmentation. Total: 4392 HBP PE 4,957,680 4,957,680 Local Match 642,320 642,320 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/27/2020 Linda Newton: Revised PE funding to match approval of PE Augmentation. Total: 5,600,000 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 37 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4392 HBP PE -7,300,348 -7,300,348 Local Match -945,838 -945,838 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/19/2018 DLA-Admin: Revise funding as requested in 2018 Survey Total: -8,246,186 4392 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/23/2018 Vu Ngo: Per SBCTA’s request. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to Total: 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 4392 HBP PE 10,234,197 10,234,197 Local Match 1,325,949 1,325,949 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 12/19/2017 Vu Ngo: Per September 2017 Bridge Survey. 3/29/2018 DLA Admin: Additional PE added to project in FFY 19/20, needs FTIP amendment. NEPA revalidation necessary. Total: 11,560,146 4392 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/11/2017 Linda Newton: RFA requested to complete NEPA. Remaining final design funds moved from FFY 16/17 to FFY 19/20. Total: 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 4392 HBP PE 3,222,363 3,222,363 Local Match 417,491 417,491 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/19/2016 Linda Newton: New project programmed due to change of project sponsor. Total: 3,639,854 R/W Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 17,104,762 25,835,274 11,202,801 4,550,136 58,692,973 Local Match 7,604,297 7,604,297 LSSRP Bond Local AC 58,692,973 -17,104,762 -25,835,274 -11,202,801 -4,550,136 Total 66,297,270 66,297,270 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4392 Local AC (HBP) R/W 121,525 -7,104,762 -25,835,274 3,797,199 15,449,864 13,571,448 Local Match 15,745 -920,497 -3,347,234 491,967 2,001,694 1,758,325 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/3/2021 Linda Newton: Advance RW funding to FFY 20/21 and revise FFY 21/22 to beyond for new high cost agreement. Total: 4392 HBP R/W 7,104,762 25,835,274 -3,797,199 -15,449,864 -13,571,448 121,525 Local Match 920,497 3,347,234 -491,967 -2,001,694 -1,758,325 15,745 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/3/2021 Linda Newton: Advance RW funding to FFY 20/21 and revise FFY 21/22 to beyond for new high cost agreement. Total: 137,270 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 38 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4392 Local AC (HBP) R/W -12,601,914 12,601,914 Local Match -1,632,711 1,632,711 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/27/2020 Linda Newton: Revise RW funding to match LAPG 6-D dated 05/07/2020. Total: 4392 HBP R/W -12,601,914 -12,601,914 Local Match -1,632,711 -1,632,711 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/27/2020 Linda Newton: Revise RW funding to match LAPG 6-D dated 05/07/2020. Total: -14,234,625 4392 HBP R/W -15,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 -20,000,000 Local Match -1,943,409 1,943,409 2,591,212 -2,591,212 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/30/2020 DLA-Admin: Move RW AC Conversion from FFY 21/22 to 22/23. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Total: 4392 Local AC (HBP) R/W 15,000,000 -15,000,000 -20,000,000 20,000,000 Local Match 1,943,409 -1,943,409 -2,591,212 2,591,212 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/30/2020 DLA-Admin: Move RW AC Conversion from FFY 21/22 to 22/23. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Total: 4392 HBP R/W 10,000,000 15,000,000 -25,000,000 Local Match 1,295,606 1,943,409 -3,239,015 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/18/2019 DLA-Admin: Programming reimbursement per High Cost Agreement Total: 4392 Local AC (HBP) R/W -10,000,000 -15,000,000 25,000,000 Local Match -1,295,606 -1,943,409 3,239,015 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/18/2019 DLA-Admin: Programming reimbursement per High Cost Agreement Total: 4392 HBP R/W -1,978,689 10,901,568 8,922,879 Local Match -256,360 1,412,414 1,156,054 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/10/2018 Linda Newton: RW cost increase added to phase as requested in 2018 HBP Survey. Total: 10,078,933 4392 Local AC (HBP) R/W 10,901,568 -10,901,568 Local Match 1,412,414 -1,412,414 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/10/2018 Linda Newton: RW AC moved to 18/19 as requested in 2018 HBP Survey. RW cost increase added to phase. Total: 4392 Local AC (HBP) R/W 60,271,793 -60,271,793 Local Match 7,808,850 -7,808,850 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/20/2018 Linda Newton: Revised RW funding to match revised Ex. 6D dated 2-2-2018. High cost phase must have AC in FTIP until a Total: high cost agreement is executed. 4392 HBP R/W 60,271,793 60,271,793 Local Match 7,808,850 7,808,850 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/20/2018 Linda Newton: Revised RW funding to match revised Ex. 6D dated 2-2-2018. High cost phase must have AC in FTIP until a Total: 68,080,643high cost agreement is executed. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 39 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4392 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% R/W 1,978,689 256,360 8/19/2016 Linda Newton: New project programmed due to change of project sponsor. Total: 1,978,689 256,360 2,235,049 CON Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 Fed $ 14,164,726 28,797,199 35,449,864 3,087,935 Local Match 10,559,153 -1,835,190 -1,617,480 LSSRP Bond 1,835,190 1,617,480 Local AC 81,499,725 -14,164,726 -28,797,199 -35,449,864 -3,087,935 Total 92,058,878 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 2693 HBP CON -5,835,274 12,484,348 LSSRP Bond -756,022 1,617,480 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/17/2021 Andy Chou: Bond Funds approved. 8/3/2021 Linda Newton: Revise CON funding for high cost agreement. 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON 5,835,274 -12,484,348 Local Match 756,022 -1,617,480 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/17/2021 Andy Chou: Bond Funds approved. 8/3/2021 Linda Newton: Revise CON funding for high cost agreement. 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON -20,000,000 Local Match -2,591,212 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/17/2021 Andy Chou: Bond Funds approved. 10/27/2020 DLA-Admin: Pull AC conversion for CON funding into FFY 20/21. 2693 HBP CON 20,000,000 LSSRP Bond 2,591,212 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/17/2021 Andy Chou: Bond Funds approved. 10/27/2020 DLA-Admin: Pull AC conversion for CON funding into FFY 20/21. 2693 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/27/2020 Jeremy Wright: Bond Funds approved. 5/27/2020 Linda Newton: Revise Funding for Prop 1B bond to match Baseline Agreement dated 10/28/2008. 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON 23,196,404 Local Match 3,005,340 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/27/2020 Linda Newton: Revise Funding for Prop 1B bond to match Baseline Agreement dated 10/28/2008. 25/26 25/26 Beyond -0 -1 -1 Beyond -6,649,074 -861,458 Total: 6,649,074 861,458 Total: 20,000,000 2,591,212 Total: -20,000,000 -2,591,212 Total: 23,196,404 3,005,340 Total: -23,196,404 -3,005,340 Total: Total 81,499,724 7,106,483 3,452,670 92,058,877 Total 23,196,404 3,005,340 26,201,744 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 40 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON 3,452,670 -3,452,670 Local Match 447,330 -447,330 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/20/2018 Linda Newton: Revise -bond match to be local AC until converted. Total: 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON -3,452,670 3,452,670 LSSRP Bond -447,330 447,330 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/27/2020 Jeremy Wright: Bond Funds approved. Total: 3/20/2018 Linda Newton: Revise -bond match to be local AC until converted. 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON 3,452,670 -3,452,670 LSSRP Bond 447,330 -447,330 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/27/2020 Jeremy Wright: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/10/2017 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Move funds. 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON -3,452,670 3,452,670 Local Match -447,330 447,330 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/10/2017 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Move funds to 19/20 to match the PE request. Total: 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON 3,452,670 -3,452,670 Local Match 447,330 -447,330 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/22/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 16/17. Subject to High Cost Total: Policy: Needs funding agreement. 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON -3,452,670 3,452,670 Local Match -447,330 447,330 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/23/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: As requested in 2015 survey. Total: 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/13/2014 Reza Fereshtehnejad: As requested in the 2014 survey 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle Total: migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/25/2012 Linda Newton: Revised funding to reflect Ready to Advertise as shown in September 2012 survey. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Total: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/21/2011 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Changes per survey 2011. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: Total: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2693 Local AC (HBP) CON 3,452,670 -3,452,670 Local Match 447,330 -447,330 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/27/2009 DLA-Admin: High Cost Policy. Needs funding agreement. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 41 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 2693 HBP CON -3,452,670 3,452,670 LSSRP Bond -447,330 447,330 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/27/2020 Jeremy Wright: Bond Funds approved. Total: 5/7/2009 Eric Bost: CON funds moved from FFY 2010/11 to FFY 2012/13 as requested by D08. Project is not ready to ad. 2693 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/27/2020 Jeremy Wright: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/15/2008 Eric Bost: CON funds moved from FFY 2009/10 to 2010/11. Schedule change per LA ODIS data. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2693 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1/3/2008 DLA-Admin: Bond Fund change approved. Any holds on CON Phase must be removed prior to obligation of funds. Total: 12/18/2007 DLA-Admin: CON funds moved from FFY 2008/9 to 2009/10. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/22/2011 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2008/9-13/14 to 2010/11-15/16. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2693 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1/3/2008 DLA-Admin: Bond Fund change approved. Any holds on CON Phase must be removed prior to obligation of funds. Total: 12/18/2007 DLA-Admin: CON funds moved from FFY 2007/8 to 2008/9. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/22/2011 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2008/9-13/14 to 2010/11-15/16. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2693 HBP CON 3,452,670 3,452,670 LSSRP Bond 447,330 447,330 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 3,900,000 4392 HBP CON 16,312,850 35,449,864 3,087,935 -51,048,999 3,801,651 Local Match 2,113,503 4,592,906 400,075 -6,613,939 492,544 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/3/2021 Linda Newton: Revise funding for high cost agreement. Total: 4,294,195 4392 Local AC (HBP) CON 3,801,651 -16,312,850 -35,449,864 -3,087,935 51,048,999 Local Match 492,544 -2,113,503 -4,592,906 -400,075 6,613,939 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/3/2021 Linda Newton: Revise CON funding for high cost agreement. Total: 4392 Local AC (HBP) CON -23,495,394 23,495,394 Local Match -3,044,077 3,044,077 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/12/2021 Linda Newton: Revised CON funding in Beyond to account for HIP funding added to CON phase. Total: 4392 HBP CON -23,495,395 -23,495,395 Local Match -3,044,077 -3,044,077 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/12/2021 Linda Newton: Revised CON funding in Beyond to account for HIP funding added to CON phase. Total: -26,539,472 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 42 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4392 Local AC (HBP) CON 2,447,830 Local Match 317,142 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/27/2020 Linda Newton: Revise funding to match LAPG 6-D dated 05/07/2020. -2,447,830 -317,142 Total: 4392 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 5/27/2020 Linda Newton: Revise funding to match LAPG 6-D dated 05/07/2020. 2,447,830 317,142 Total: 2,447,830 317,142 2,764,972 4392 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 10/11/2018 Linda Newton: Revised CON funding as requested in 2018 HBP Survey. 22,539,382 2,920,216 Total: 22,539,382 2,920,216 25,459,598 4392 Local AC (HBP) CON 22,539,382 Local Match 2,920,216 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/11/2018 Linda Newton: Revise CON funding as requested in 2018 HBP Survey. -22,539,382 -2,920,216 Total: 4392 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 3/20/2018 Linda Newton: Revise funding to match Ex. 6D dated 2-2-2018. Phase subject to high cost bridge policy. -19,754,580 -2,559,415 Total: -19,754,580 -2,559,415 -22,313,995 4392 Local AC (HBP) CON -19,754,580 Local Match -2,559,415 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/20/2018 Linda Newton: Revise funding to match Ex. 6D dated 2-2-2018. Phase subject to high cost bridge agreement policy. 19,754,580 2,559,415 Total: 4392 Local AC (HBP) CON 69,311,762 Local Match 8,980,073 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/19/2016 Linda Newton: New project programmed due to change of project sponsor. -69,311,762 -8,980,073 Total: 4392 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 8/19/2016 Linda Newton: New project programmed due to change of project sponsor. 69,311,762 8,980,073 Total: 69,311,762 8,980,073 78,291,835 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 43 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total San Bernardino County BRIDGE NO. 54C0025, GLEN HELEN PKWY, OVER CAJON WASH, .6 MI S OF ROUTE I-215. Replace 2 lane bridge with 4 lane bridge. High cost agreement required, Fed Proj: BRLS-5954(108) Phase Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total PE 2,350,000 2,350,000 R/W 1,350,000 1,350,000 CON 28,669,420 28,669,420 Total 3,700,000 28,669,420 32,369,420 Fund Source Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 3,275,610 25,381,038 28,656,648 Local Match 424,390 3,288,382 3,712,772 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 3,700,000 28,669,420 32,369,420 PE Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 2,080,455 2,080,455 Local Match 269,545 269,545 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 2,350,000 2,350,000 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3239 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/23/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 16/17. As requested in Total: September 2016 Survey. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 HBP PE 265,590 265,590 Local Match 34,410 34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1/12/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Additional funds needed to complete PE. Total: 300,000 3239 HBP PE 265,590 265,590 Local Match 34,410 34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/6/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Additional fund for County’s R/W engineering, Topographic survey, Utility coordination, review of Total: 300,000environmental docs. Holds remain on PE and Construction until Proposed bridge width and project limits are approved. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 44 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3239 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2013 Linda Newton: Revised funding as rquested in September 2013 Survey. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to Total: FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 HBP PE 377,138 377,138 Local Match 48,862 48,862 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/17/2013 Reza Fereshtehnejad: As requested on the exhibit 6-D dated 05/13/2013 Total: 426,000 3239 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/13/2011 Linda Newton: Updated per 2011 Survey. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: Total: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/14/2009 Chris Igbinedion: 2009 HBP Survey. Prior funds were not obligated. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to Total: FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 HBP PE 1,172,137 1,172,137 Local Match 151,863 151,863 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 1,324,000 R/W Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 1,195,155 1,195,155 Local Match 154,845 154,845 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 1,350,000 1,350,000 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3239 HBP R/W -265,590 -265,590 New! Local Match -34,410 -34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/16/2023 DLA-Admin: RW funds in FFY 22/23 removed from project. RW must be completed with local funds. Total: -300,000 3239 HBP R/W 265,590 -265,590 Local Match 34,410 -34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/26/2022 Enrique Gonzalez: R/W funds have been moved from FFY 23/24 to 22/23. Do to annual submittal August 2022. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 45 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3239 HBP R/W -265,590 265,590 Local Match -34,410 34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/19/2021 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 21/22 to 23/24. Total: 3239 HBP R/W -265,590 265,590 Local Match -34,410 34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/11/2019 Linda Newton: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 21/22. Delivery failure of phase in Total: 18/19. Push funding to FFY 21/22, per LAPG Ch. 6. 3239 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/11/2019 Linda Newton: Fund line failed to deliver. Total: 10/10/2018 Eileen Crawford: Funds moved per 2018 Survey 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/10/2018 Eileen Crawford: Fund line failed to deliver. Total: 3/14/2018 Vu Ngo: Per agency request for the remainder programmed amount. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 HBP R/W 265,590 265,590 Local Match 34,410 34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/23/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Survey for 2016. Total: 300,000 3239 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2013 Linda Newton: Revise funding as requested in September 2013 Survey. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to Total: FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 HBP R/W 610,857 610,857 Local Match 79,143 79,143 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/17/2013 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Additional funds needed since two parcels will require full take and since real state cost are going higher Total: 690,000than when R/W estimates were done few years back. 3239 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/13/2011 Linda Newton: Updated per 2011 Survey. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: Total: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/4/2010 Eric Tang: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 11/12 to 10/11. As requested in September 2010 Total: Survey. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 46 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3239 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/14/2009 Chris Igbinedion: 2009 HBP Survey. Funds moved to more realistic date. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to Total: FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 HBP R/W 584,298 584,298 Local Match 75,702 75,702 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 660,000 CON Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 25,381,038 25,381,038 Local Match -0 3,288,382 3,288,382 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 28,669,420 28,669,420 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3239 HBP CON -25,381,038 25,381,038 Local Match -3,288,382 3,288,382 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/24/2022 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 25/26 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 3239 HBP CON -25,381,038 25,381,038 Local Match -3,288,382 3,288,382 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/24/2022 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 24/25 to 25/26. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 3239 HBP CON -25,381,038 25,381,038 Local Match -3,288,382 3,288,382 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/24/2022 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 23/24 to 24/25. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 3239 HBP CON 25,381,038 -25,381,038 Local Match 3,288,382 -3,288,382 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/26/2022 Enrique Gonzalez: CON funds moved from Beyond years to FFY 23/24. Due to Annual Submittals for August 2022.. Total: 3239 Local AC (HBP) CON -25,381,038 25,381,038 Local Match -3,288,382 3,288,382 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/20/2020 DLA-Admin: Remove AC from CON phase as requested in 2020 HBP Survey. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 47 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3239 HBP CON 3,071,079 3,071,079 Local Match 397,891 397,891 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/10/2018 Eileen Crawford: as requested per 2018 Survey. Total: 3,468,970 3239 Local AC (HBP) CON -22,309,958 25,381,038 -3,071,079 Local Match -2,890,492 3,288,382 -397,891 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/10/2018 Eileen Crawford: Funding moved per 2018 Survey, cost increase per 65% plans Total: 3239 Local AC (HBP) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/23/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: As requested by 2016 survey. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: Total: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 Local AC (HBP) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/10/2014 Reza Fereshtehnejad: A requested in the 2014 survey. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle Total: migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 Local AC (HBP) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2013 Linda Newton: Revised funding as requested in September 2013 Survey. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to Total: FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 HBP CON 6,486,106 6,486,106 Local Match 840,344 840,344 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/17/2013 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Conversion of AC to Federal funds Total: 7,326,450 3239 Local AC (HBP) CON 6,486,106 -6,486,106 Local Match 840,344 -840,344 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/17/2013 Reza Fereshtehnejad: A requested on Exhibit 6-D. Project must be reviewed prior to removing the hold on construction to Total: make sure work beyond the approved scope is not included as participating work. 3239 Local AC (HBP) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/17/2012 Linda Newton: Revised CON AC as requested in September 2012 survey. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to Total: FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 Local AC (HBP) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/13/2011 Linda Newton: Updated per 2011 Survey. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: Total: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 Local AC (HBP) CON 15,823,852 -15,823,852 Local Match 2,050,148 -2,050,148 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/8/2010 Eric Bost: Use AC in FFY 11/12. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 48 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 3239 HBP CON -15,823,852 15,823,852 Local Match -2,050,148 2,050,148 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/8/2010 Eric Bost: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 11/12 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain Total: the FTIP (PUSH). 3239 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/4/2010 Eric Tang: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 12/13 to 11/12. As requested in September 2010 Total: Survey. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 3239 HBP CON 15,823,852 -15,823,852 Local Match 2,050,148 -2,050,148 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/14/2009 Chris Igbinedion: 2009 HBP Survey Total: 3239 HBP CON -14,651,715 15,823,852 1,172,137 Local Match -1,898,285 2,050,148 151,863 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Correction in data entry and push constuction schedule into “beyond” since local agency did not specify a date. Project is not ready to advertise. 9/6/2007 Total: 1,324,000 3239 HBP CON 14,651,715 14,651,715 Local Match 1,898,285 1,898,285 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 16,550,000 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 49 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Victorville BRIDGE NO. 54C0547, BEAR VALLEY ROAD, OVER BNSF RY, AMTRAK, & UP RR, 3.8 MI E OF ROUTE I-15. Widen 6 lane bridge to 7 lanes (median turn lane) and seismically retrofitting existing bridge. Fed Proj: BHLS-5380(026) Phase Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total PE 700,000 700,000 R/W 340,000 340,000 CON 6,258,000 1,998,000 8,256,000 Total 7,298,000 1,998,000 9,296,000 Fund Source Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 6,460,919 1,768,829 8,229,749 Local Match 837,081 229,171 1,066,251 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 7,298,000 1,998,000 9,296,000 PE Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 619,710 619,710 Local Match 80,290 80,290 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 700,000 700,000 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 1775 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/17/2012 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 12/13 to 13/14. As requested in September 2012 Total: Survey. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP PE 177,060 177,060 Local Match 22,940 22,940 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1/19/2012 Linda Newton: Exhibit 6-D with approved costs. Total: 200,000 1775 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/4/2011 Eric Tang: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 10/11 to 11/12. As requested in September 2011 Total: Survey. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 50 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 1775 HBP PE 358,547 358,547 Local Match 46,454 46,454 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/6/2010 Linda Newton: HBP application complete, added PE funds to project. Total: 405,000 1775 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/15/2009 Chris Igbinedion: 2009 HBP Survey. Prior fund was not obligated. 8/22/2011 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP Total: cycle migration: 2008/9-13/14 to 2010/11-15/16. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP PE 84,104 84,104 Local Match 10,897 10,897 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% New Candidate project. Allows Preliminary Engineering to commence. Total: 95,000 R/W Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 301,002 301,002 Local Match 38,998 38,998 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 340,000 340,000 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 1775 HBP R/W 168,207 168,207 Local Match 21,793 21,793 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/8/2019 Vu Ngo: Per 2019 Survey. Total: 190,000 1775 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/2/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad withing 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 14/15 to 15/16. As requested in Total: September 2015 Survey. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/13/2014 Wesley Zinke: Revised R/W funding as requested in September 2014 Survey. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out Total: due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/27/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 13/14 to 15/16. NEPA not yet clear. 8/17/2017 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 51 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 1775 HBP R/W Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/17/2012 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. RW funds moved from FFY 12/13 to 13/14. As requested in September 2012 Total: Survey. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP R/W 132,795 132,795 Local Match 17,205 17,205 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1/19/2012 Linda Newton: Revise funding per approved Exhibit 6-D. Total: 150,000 CON Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 5,540,207 1,768,829 7,309,037 Local Match 717,793 229,171 946,963 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 6,258,000 1,998,000 8,256,000 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 1775 HBP CON -1,768,829 1,768,829 Local Match -229,171 229,171 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2021 DLA-Admin: Construction Authorized. CON funds moved from FFY 21/22 to 22/23. Action taken to financially constrain the Total: FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 1775 HBP CON 1,768,829 -1,768,829 Local Match 229,171 -229,171 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/7/2021 Karen Nguyen: Construction Authorized. CON funds moved from FFY 22/23 to 21/22. As requested in September 2021 Total: Status. 1775 HBP CON 1,768,829 1,768,829 Local Match 229,171 229,171 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 7/19/2021 Andy Chou: Revised CON fund to match LAPG 6D dated 7/9/21. Total: 1,998,000 1775 HBP CON 5,540,207 -5,540,207 Local Match 717,793 -717,793 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/8/2020 DLA-Admin: Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 21/22 to 19/20. Project ready to advertise. Total: 1775 HBP CON -5,540,207 5,540,207 Local Match -717,793 717,793 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/31/2019 DLA-Admin: Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to 21/22. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP Total: (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 52 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 1775 HBP CON -5,540,207 5,540,207 Local Match -717,793 717,793 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/30/2019 DLA-Admin: Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 20/21. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP Total: (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 1775 HBP CON 5,540,207 -6,807,957 -1,267,750 Local Match 717,793 -882,043 -164,250 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/8/2019 Vu Ngo: Per 2019 Survey. Total: -1,432,000 1775 HBP CON -6,807,957 6,807,957 Local Match -882,043 882,043 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/21/2019 DLA-Admin: Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to 21/22. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP Total: (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 1775 HBP CON -6,807,957 6,807,957 Local Match -882,043 882,043 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/21/2019 DLA-Admin: Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 20/21. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP Total: (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/20/2019 DLA-Admin: Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP Total: (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 2/21/2019 Enrique Gonzalez: Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 18/19. Project ready to advertise. 7/27/2021 Total: DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2018 DLA-Admin: Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP Total: (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/24/2017 DLA-Admin: NEARLY Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially constrain Total: the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP CON 619,710 619,710 Local Match 80,290 80,290 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 700,0009/14/2017 Vu Ngo: Per 2017 September Survey. Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 53 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: NEARLY Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 1775 HBP CON 6,188,247 -5,267,535 920,712 Local Match 801,753 -682,465 119,288 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/14/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 16/17. Project Nearly ready to advertise. Total: 1,040,000 1775 HBP CON -5,267,535 5,267,535 Local Match -682,465 682,465 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. Total: 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 16/17. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 54 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 1775 HBP CON 5,267,535 -4,426,500 841,035 Local Match 682,465 -573,500 108,965 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/2/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 15/16. As requested in Total: 950,000September 2015 Survey. 1775 HBP CON -4,426,500 4,426,500 Local Match -573,500 573,500 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 16/17. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 14/15 to 15/16. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1775 HBP CON 4,426,500 -4,426,500 Local Match 573,500 -573,500 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/2/2013 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 14/15. As requested by Local Agency Total: in September 2013 HBP survey. 1775 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/23/2012 Eric Bost: NEPA is not clear. Keep funds in beyond. Total: 9/17/2012 Sylvester Lin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 14/15. As requested in September 2012 Survey. 1775 HBP CON 64,981 64,981 Local Match 8,419 8,419 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1/19/2012 Linda Newton: Revise funding per approved Exhibit 6-D. Total: 73,400 1775 HBP CON 4,361,519 4,361,519 Local Match 565,081 565,081 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/6/2010 Linda Newton: New phase of programming, add construction funding. Total: 4,926,600 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 55 2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing includes projects that should be individually listed in the FTIP/FSTIP. (Line item projects only) District: 08 County: San Bernardino Responsible Agency Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total MPO Summary: San Bernardino Associated Governments Number of Projects: 8 Total Costs: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed $ 24,363,926 22,062,442 41,253,884 45,347,659 40,291,349 3,087,935 2,515,702 104,025,860 282,948,757 Local Match 21,962,375 -1,672,736 3,445,562 37,747 325,936 8,953,874 33,052,758 LSSRP Bond 1,835,190 1,617,480 153,583 3,606,253 Local AC 145,150,378 -22,062,442 -40,000,000 -6,269,101 -40,000,000 -3,087,935 -33,730,899 Total for all Phases 191,476,679 1,416,338 44,141,599 329,096 2,841,638 79,402,418 319,607,768 Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 3/22/2023, 1:03 PM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt Page 56