2020/21-2025/26 Highway Bridge Program See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing provides VERY detailed backup information to support the lump sum amounts programmed in the FTIP. 3/22/2023, 1 : 19 PM Notes: 1) This list provides a very detailed history of how a project's programming has changed over time. 2) Summary, project level, grouped backup lists are available on the local assistance web site: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/Loca1Programs/hbrr99/HBP _FSTIP .html 3) Financial constraint of LOCAL matching funds (including regional STIP funds) and LOCAL Advance Construction (AC) is the responsibility of the MPOs and their local agencies. 4) Some projects show that they are programmed using State STP funds. These funds are HBP funds transferred to the STP for bridge work that is not ordinarily eligible for HBP funds. See the HB Program Guidelines for details. Do not confuse these STP funds with Regional STP funds. 5) Corrections to this report should be addressed to the District Local Assistance Engineer: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/dlae.htm Note id: 31 District: 06 County: Kern Responsible Agency I Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Bakersfield BRIDGE NO. 50C0021 L & R, MANOR ST, OVER KERN RIVER, 0.2 Ml S ROBERTS LANE. Rehabilitate 2 lane bridge as 2 lane bridge. No added lane capacity. Including LSSRP retrofit funds. Fed Proj: BHLSZ-5109(166) Phase Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total PE 1,466,000 1,466,000 R/W CON 10,280,000 10,280,000 Total 11,746,000 11,746,000 Fund Source Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed$ 10,398,734 10,398,734 Local Match 1,287,163 -0 1,287,163 LSSRP Bond 60,103 60,103 Local AC Total 11,746,000 11,746,000 PE Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed$ 1,297,850 1,297,850 Local Match 168,150 168,150 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 1,466,000 1,466,000 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 1246 HBP PE 316,937 316,937 Local Match 41,063 41,063 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/20/2015 Kirk Anderson: Agency requests the balance of PE funds needed to complete the P ,S&E Total: 358,000 1246 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/26/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 14/15 to 15/16. Action taken to financially constrain Total: the FTIP (PUSH). 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/18/2013 Kirk Anderson: Agency requests $120,000 to confirm the seismic performance of the bridge in 12/13 and the balance be Total: moved to 14/15. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/30/2012 Tom Glaski: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 11/12 to 12/13. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline Total: zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1246 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1246 State STP (BR) Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1246 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE PE PE PE 177,060 22,940 3/22/2011 Kirk Anderson: Decrease 10/11 funding to match hold for scoping. Move balance and and increase PE in 11/12 to match agency's revised minimal 6A. 154,928 20,073 3/8/2011 Tom Glaski: not a STP railing project -enter as new rehabilitation project -154,928 -20,073 3/8/2011 Tom Glaski: not a STP railing project -enter as new rehabilitation project 9/2/2010 Tom Glaski: Project not authorized in 09/10 -Move 09/10 to 10/11, 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: Total: Total: Total: 177,060 22,940 200,000 154,928 20,073 175,000 -154,928 -20,073 -175,000 1246 State STP (BR) Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1246 State STP (BR) Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1247 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1247 HBP Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE PE PE PE 88,530 11,470 3/29/2010 Eric Bost: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY Prior to 9/10. 66,398 8,603 316,937 41,063 8/20/2015 Kirk Anderson: Agency requests the balance of PE funds needed to complete the P,S &E. 10/26/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 14/15 to 15/16. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: Total: Total: Total: 88,530 11,470 100,000 66,398 8,603 75,000 316,937 41,063 358,000 1247 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/18/2013 Kirk Anderson: Agency requests $120,000 to confirm the seismic performance of the bridge in 12/13 and the balance be Total: moved to 14/15. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/30/2012 Tom Glaski: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 11/12 to 12/13. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 1247 HBP Local Match PE 177,060 22,940 177,060 22,940 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/22/2011 Kirk Anderson: Decrease 10/11 funding to match hold for scoping. Move balance and and increase PE in 11/12 to match agency's revised minimal 6A. Total: 200,000 1247 HBP Local Match PE 154,928 20,073 154,928 20,073 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/8/2011 Tom Glaski: not a STP railing project -enter as new rehabilitation project Total: 175,000 1247 State STP (BR) Local Match PE -154,928 -20,073 -154,928 -20,073 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/8/2011 Tom Glaski: not a STP railing project -enter as new rehabilitation project Total: -175,000 1247 HBP PE Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/2/2010 Tom Glaski: Project not authorized in 09/10 -Move 09/10 to 10/11 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fund line zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 1247 State STP (BR) Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 88,530 11,470 3/29/2010 Eric Bost: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY Prior to 10/11. Total: 88,530 11,470 100,000 1247 State STP (BR) Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% PE 66,398 8,603 Total: 66,398 8,603 75,000 CON Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed$ 9,100,884 9,100,884 Local Match 1,119,013 -0 1,119,013 LSSRP Bond 60,103 60,103 Local AC Total 10,280,000 10,280,000 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 1246 HBP CON -2,129,147 -2,129,147 New! Local Match -275,854 -275,854 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/15/2023 DLA-Admin: Funds have been removed. An LAPG 6-D must be submitted for the cost increase. Total: -2,405,000 1246 HBP CON 1,064,573 -1,064,573 Local Match 137,927 -137,927 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/20/2022 DLA-Admin: Construction Authorized. CON funds moved from FFY 24/25 to 22/23. Project ready to advertise. Total: 1246 HBP CON -1,064,573 1,064,573 Local Match -137,927 137,927 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2021 DLA-Admin: Construction Authorized. CON funds moved from FFY 23/24 to 24/25. Action taken to financially constrain the Total: FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 1246 HBP CON -1,064,573 1,064,573 Local Match -137,927 137,927 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 6/9/2021 Linda Newton: Construction Authorized. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to 23/24. Total: 1246 HBP CON 1,064,573 1,064,573 Local Match 137,927 137,927 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/5/2020 Kirk Anderson: Add funds due to construction delays. See 6-D in Edocs. Per September 2020 Survey Total: 1,202,500 1246 HBP CON 918,941 918,941 Local Match 119,059 119,059 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/30/2018 Kirk Anderson: Add CON funds after bid opening in order to award construction contract. Bids came in high. Total: 1,038,000 1246 HBP CON 3,399,552 -3,399,552 Local Match 440,448 -440,448 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/21/2017 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 17/18. As requested in September 2017 Total: Survey. 1246 HBP CON -3,399,552 3,399,552 Local Match -440,448 440,448 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 1246 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/27/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 17/18. As requested in Total: September 2016 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/28/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: NEARLY Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 16/17. As requested in September Total: 2015 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP CON 3,399,552 -1,528,028 1,871,524 Local Match 440,448 -197,972 242,476 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/28/2015 Kirk Anderson: NEARLY Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 19/20. As requested in September 2015 Survey. Total: 2,114,000 1246 HBP CON -1,528,028 1,528,028 Local Match -197,972 197,972 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 1246 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 16/17. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP CON 1,528,028 -1,528,028 Local Match 197,972 -197,972 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/27/2013 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 15/16. As requested in Total: September 2013 Survey. 1246 HBP CON 1,262,438 1,262,438 Local Match 163,562 163,562 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/18/2013 Kirk Anderson: Agency 6-D request increase in funds. Total: 1,426,000 1246 HBP CON -265,590 265,590 Local Match -34,410 34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/26/2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). 1246 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/26/2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 14/15 to 15/16. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/26/2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 13/14 to 14/15. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 Fed. ReiHBP Local Match mb. Rate: 88.53% CON 3/8/201265,590 34,410 1 Tom Glaski: not a STP railing project -enter as new rehabilitation project Total: 265,590 34,410 300,000 1246 Fed. ReiState STP (BR) Local Match mb. Rate: 88.53% CON 3/8/201-265,590 -34,410 1 Tom Glaski: not a STP railing project -enter as new rehabilitation project Total: -265,590 -34,410 -300,000 1246 State STP (BR) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/10/2010 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 12/13 to 13/14. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 State STP (BR) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/5/2010 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 11/12 to 12/13. Action taken to financially constrain Total: the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 State STP (BR) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/29/2010 Eric Bost: Move funds to 11/12. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to Total: 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1246 State STP (BR) CON 265,590 -265,590 Local Match 34,410 -34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/16/2008 Shannon Mlcoch: Data from LA ODIS. Information provided by Local Agency. Total: 1246 State STP (BR) CON -265,590 265,590 Local Match -34,410 34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 12/17/2007 DLA-Admin: CON funds moved from FFY 2010/11 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (STP PUSH). Total: 1246 State STP (BR) CON 265,590 265,590 Local Match 34,410 34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 300,000 1247 HBP CON 1,064,573 -1,064,573 Local Match 137,927 -137,927 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/20/2022 DLA-Admin: Construction Authorized. CON funds moved from FFY 24/25 to 22/23. Project ready to advertise. Total: 1247 HBP CON -1,064,573 1,064,573 Local Match -137,927 137,927 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2021 DLA-Admin: Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 23/24 to 24/25. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP Total: (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 1247 HBP CON -1,064,573 1,064,573 Local Match -137,927 137,927 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 6/9/2021 Linda Newton: Ready to Advertise. CON funds moved from FFY 20/21 to 23/24. Funds not obligated, moved to next fiscal Total: year. 1247 HBP CON 1,064,573 1,064,573 Local Match 137,927 137,927 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/5/2020 Kirk Anderson: Add funds due to construction delays. See 6-D in Edocs. Per September 2020 Survey Total: 1,202,500 1247 HBP CON 918,941 918,941 Local Match 119,059 119,059 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/30/2018 Kirk Anderson: Add CON funds after bid opening in order to award construction contract. Bids came in high. Total: 1,038,000 1247 HBP CON 3,399,552 -3,399,552 Local Match 440,448 -440,448 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/21/2017 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 17/18. As requested in Total: September 2017 Survey. 1247 HBP CON -3,399,552 3,399,552 Local Match -440,448 440,448 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 1247 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/27/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 17/18. As requested in Total: September 2016 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/28/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 16/17. As requested in Total: September 2015 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 HBP CON 3,399,552 -1,318,212 2,081,340 Local Match 440,448 -170,788 269,660 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/28/2015 Kirk Anderson: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 19/20. As requested in September 2015 Survey. Total: 2,351,000 1247 HBP CON -1,318,212 1,318,212 Local Match -170,788 170,788 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 1247 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 16/17. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 HBP CON 1,318,212 -1,318,212 Local Match 170,788 -170,788 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 9/27/2013 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 15/16. As requested in Total: September 2013 Survey. 1247 HBP CON 1,052,622 1,052,622 Local Match 136,378 136,378 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/18/2013 Kirk Anderson: Agency 6-D request increase in funds Total: 1,189,000 1247 HBP CON -265,590 265,590 Local Match -34,410 34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/26/2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to Beyond. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). 1247 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/26/2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 14/15 to 15/16. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 HBP CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/26/2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 13/14 to 14/15. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 Fed. ReiHBP Local Match mb. Rate: 88.53% CON 3/8/201265,590 34,410 1 Tom Glaski: not a STP railing project -enter as new rehabilitation project Total: 265,590 34,410 300,000 1247 Fed. ReiState STP (BR) Local Match mb. Rate: 88.53% CON 3/8/201-265,590 -34,410 1 Tom Glaski: not a STP railing project -enter as new rehabilitation project Total: -265,590 -34,410 -300,000 124 7 State STP (BR) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 11/10/2010 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 12/13 to 13/14. Action taken to financially Total: constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 124 7 State STP (BR) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 4/5/2010 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 11/12 to 12/13. Action taken to financially constrain Total: the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 1247 State STP (BR) CON Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 3/29/2010 Eric Bost: Move funds to 11/12 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 1247 State STP (BR) CON 265,590 -265,590 Local Match 34,410 -34,410 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/16/2008 Shannon Mlcoch: Data from LA ODIS. Information provided by Local Agency. Total: 1247 State STP (BR) Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON -265,590 -34,410 12/17/2007 DLA-Admin: CON funds moved from FFY 2010/11 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (STP PUSH). 265,590 34,410 Total: 1247 State STP (BR) Local Match Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 265,590 34,410 Total: 265,590 34,410 300,000 2375 HBP LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% CON 231,949 30,051 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. 9/21/2017 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 17/18. As requested in September 2017 Survey. -231,949 -30,051 Total: 2375 HBP CON -231,949 231,949 LSSRP Bond -30,051 30,051 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. 9/27/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 17/18. As requested in September 2016 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. 9/28/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 16/17. As requested in September 2015 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 2375 HBP CON 231,949 -2,301,780 -2,069,831 LSSRP Bond 30,051 -298,220 -268,169 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. 8/25/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Per latest Exhibit 6-D Total: -2,338,000 2375 HBP CON -2,301,780 2,301,780 LSSRP Bond -298,220 298,220 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/28/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 16/17. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 Fed. ReiHBP LSSRP Bond mb. Rate: 88.53% CON 5/3/209/27/2Septe2,301,780 298,220 18 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. 013 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 15/16. As requested in mber 2013 Survey. -2,301,780 -298,220 Total: 2375 Fed. ReiHBP LSSRP Bond mb. Rate: 88.53% CON 5/3/2010/26/ constr-2,301,780 -298,220 18 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. 2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to Beyond. Action taken to financially ain the FTIP (PUSH). 2,301,780 298,220 Total: 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/26/2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 14/15 to 15/16. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/26/2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 13/14 to 14/15. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 11/10/2010 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 12/13 to 13/14. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 4/5/2010 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 11/12 to 12/13. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/30/2009 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 10/11 to 11/12. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/30/2009 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 9/10 to 10/11. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2375 HBP CON 2,301,780 -2,301,780 LSSRP Bond 298,220 -298,220 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/16/2008 Shannon Mlcoch: Data from LA ODIS. Information provided by Local Agency. 2375 HBP CON -2,301,780 2,301,780 LSSRP Bond -298,220 298,220 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1/3/2008 DLA-Admin: Bond Fund change approved. Any holds on CON Phase must be removed prior to obligation of funds. Total: 12/17/2007 DLA-Admin: CON funds moved from FFY 2010/11 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (STP PUSH). 2375 HBP CON 2,301,780 2,301,780 LSSRP Bond 298,220 298,220 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 2,600,000 2376 HBP CON 231,949 -231,949 LSSRP Bond 30,051 -30,051 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1/12/2018 Linda Newton: Bond Funds approved. Total: 9/21/2017 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 17/18. As requested in September 2017 Survey. 2376 HBP CON -231,949 231,949 LSSRP Bond -30,051 30,051 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/25/2016 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. 9/27/2016 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 17/18. As requested in September 2016 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 18/19 to 19/20. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to 18/19. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/29/2015 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. 9/28/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 19/20 to 16/17. As requested in September 2015 Survey. 7/27/2021 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2018/19-23/24 to 2020/21-25/26. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. Total: 2376 HBP CON 231,949 -2,301,780 -2,069,831 LSSRP Bond 30,051 -298,220 -268,169 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. 8/25/2015 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Per latest Exhibit 6-D Total: -2,338,000 2376 HBP CON -2,301,780 2,301,780 LSSRP Bond -298,220 298,220 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/28/2014 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 17/18 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 16/17 to 17/18. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 11/14/2013 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to 16/17. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/25/2019 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2016/17-21/22 to 2018/19-23/24. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON 2,301,780 -2,301,780 LSSRP Bond 298,220 -298,220 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 9/27/2013 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY Beyond to 15/16. As requested in September 2013 Survey. 2376 HBP CON -2,301,780 2,301,780 LSSRP Bond -298,220 298,220 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/26/2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 15/16 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/26/2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 14/15 to 15/16. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/26/2012 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 13/14 to 14/15. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/17/2017 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2014/15-19/20 to 2016/17-21/22. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 11/10/2010 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 12/13 to 13/14. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 4/5/2010 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 11/12 to 12/13. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 8/21/2015 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2012/13-17/18 to 2014/15-19/20. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/30/2009 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 10/11 to 11/12. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON LSSRP Bond Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/30/2009 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. CON funds moved from FFY 9/10 to 10/11. 5/10/2013 DLA-Admin: Fundline zeroed out due to FTIP cycle migration: 2010/11-15/16 to 2012/13-17/18. This does not impact funds in the current FTIP cycle. 2376 HBP CON 2,301,780 -2,301,780 LSSRP Bond 298,220 -298,220 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 5/3/2018 Reza Fereshtehnejad: Bond Funds approved. Total: 10/16/2008 Shannon Mlcoch: Data from LA ODIS. Information provided by Local Agency. 2376 HBP CON -2,301,780 2,301,780 LSSRP Bond -298,220 298,220 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1/3/2008 DLA-Admin: Bond Fund change approved. Any holds on CON Phase must be removed prior to obligation of funds. Total: 12/17/2007 DLA-Admin: CON funds moved from FFY 2010/11 to Beyond. Action taken to financially constrain the FTIP (STP PUSH). 2376 HBP CON 2,301,780 2,301,780 LSSRP Bond 298,220 298,220 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% Total: 2,600,000 Bakersfield BRIDGE NO. PM00171, Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program (BPMP) various bridges in the City of Bakersfield. See Caltrans Local Assistance HBP website for backup list of projects. Fed Proj: Phase Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total PE 96,230 96,230 R/W CON 962,291 962,291 Total 96,230 962,291 1,058,521 Fund Source Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed$ 76,984 769,833 846,817 Local Match 19,246 192,458 211,704 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 96,230 962,291 1,058,521 PE Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed$ 76,984 76,984 Local Match 19,246 19,246 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 96,230 96,230 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total 4581 HBP PE -76,984 76,984 Local Match -19,246 19,246 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 80.00% 10/11/2022 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 22/23 to 23/24. Project has not received Total: authorization to proceed. Move funding out. 4581 HBP PE 76,984 -76,984 Local Match 19,246 -19,246 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 80.00% 9/15/2022 Kirk Anderson: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 23/24 to 22/23. As requested by agency. Total: 4581 HBP PE 76,984 76,984 Local Match 19,246 19,246 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 80.00% 8/15/2021 DLA-Admin: Revise PE reimbursement rate from 88.53% to 80.00% for on system project, local agency wants to keep programmed for PE not yet authorized Total: 96,230 4581 HBP PE -85,192 -85,192 Local Match -11,038 -11,038 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/15/2021 DLA-Admin: Revise PE reimbursement rate from 88.53% to 80.00% for on system project, local agency wants to keep programmed for PE not yet authorized Total: -96,230 4581 HBP PE -85,192 85,192 Local Match -11,038 11,038 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 10/28/2020 DLA-Admin: Not ready to ad within 6 months. PE funds moved from FFY 21/22 to 23/24. Action taken to financially constrain Total: the FTIP (PUSH). Attempt will be made to program this project in year shown. 4581 HBP PE 85,192 85,192 Local Match 11,038 11,038 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1/11/2018 Linda Newton: New eligible project. Total: 96,230 CON Summary: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed$ 769,833 769,833 Local Match 192,458 192,458 LSSRP Bond Local AC Total 962,291 962,291 Phase Funding Details: Proj id Funds Src Phase Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total I 4581 HBP CON 769,833 769,833 Local Match 192,458 192,458 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 80.00% 8/15/2021 DLA-Admin: Revise Con reimbursement rate from 88.53% to 80.00% for on system project, local agency wants to keep programmed for PE not yet authorized Total: 962,291 4581 HBP CON -851,916 -851,916 Local Match -110,375 -110,375 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 8/15/2021 DLA-Admin: Revise Con reimbursement rate from 88.53% to 80.00% for on system project, local agency wants to keep programmed for PE not yet authorized Total: -962,291 4581 HBP CON 851,916 851,916 Local Match 110,375 110,375 Fed. Reimb. Rate: 88.53% 1/11/2018 Linda Newton: New eligible project. Total: 962,291 MPO Summary: Kern County Council Of Governments Number of Projects: 2 Total Costs: Prior 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 Beyond Total Fed$ 10,398,734 76,984 769,833 11,245,551 Local Match 1,287,163 -0 19,246 192,458 1,498,868 LSSRP Bond 60,103 60,103 Local AC Total for all Phases 11,746,000 96,230 962,291 12,804,521