Caltrans News Flash #227 – Caltrans Resumes Litter Cleanup on California Highways


District: Headquarters
Contact: Kerstin Tomlinson
Phone:(916) 956-9343

SACRAMENTO — In this News Flash, learn how new safety protocols have allowed Caltrans to resume its litter abatement efforts along the State Highway System during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Litter removal was limited to protect the health and safety of Caltrans crews during the health crisis. Due to accumulation of trash on the highways as traffic begins to increase, Caltrans and its partner organizations like Adopt-A-Highway began collecting garbage statewide in June. The department is also partnering with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to enforce the state’s anti-littering laws.

Caltrans News Flash #227

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This News Flash is the 227th in a series of videos highlighting Caltrans' activities that present the wide-ranging and critical work that Caltrans does to enhance California's economy and livability. To see more of these and other videos, search for #CaltransNewsFlash on Twitter or visit the Caltrans News Flash page.